I notice a lot of the conversation around FAF revolves around getting people into the game and talks about how people are ultimately slightly put off by the complexity of certain aspects. I was just thinking has anybody thought about perhaps simplifying certain aspects of the game to make it less complex? I understand that this would be a bit of a hot potato because one persons mindless busy work is another mans satisfying micro.
To me the micro surrounding extractor upgrades is quite tedious. I learnt the upgrade them all and pause till they're assisted trick the other day but still. And what's the point of needing to put 4 mass storages around them? Couldn't there just be two levels of extractor and no adjacency bonus? Free up peoples time to micro their attack units instead. It's not going to make the game extra nooby because the pro's will find other areas to assert their superior attention to detail.
How about units not building at their full build range? The way you have to move the commander to a position within his build range before building an extractor to do an efficient queue is crazy to me. Maybe that's an engine limitation that can't be fixed but it feels kind of arbitrary coming from TA where he just did that kind of thing without having to be babysat.
I could go on but those are the two main ones really. And maybe the slight overemphasis on assisted building or build capacity as a resource. It's taking me a lot of practice to do those things quickly enough that I have time to reclaim and micro my battles. Units need a lot more micro because the engagements end so much more quickly. In TA your units would survive a lot longer for whatever reason. Lower attack ranges and dps perhaps. In this game you NEED to tweak your attack units or they'll get wiped out in 10 seconds by artillery if stationary, or anything else if moving and too spread out.
These are just the observations of a fairly nooby player. I admit as I spend more time playing I'm getting used to the quirks and I'm starting to learn to do stuff at the speed which you need to. Next step is making up some templates. Maybe there was as big a learning curve to TA and I'm just forgetting it because the fundamentals are etched into my brain as gospel.