Core Maximizer provides these benefits.
I claim you should use it for many of the following reasons:
1. You use Windows XP and the benefits are greater there.
2. You have a laptop and running one core at 100% and 20 degrees higher temps will cause your laptop to thermal throttle at an earlier threshold.
3. You believe load balancing your OS is a good thing. Having I/O, Networking, and PCI access balanced over multiple cores will maintain your sim speed when your computer struggles with Forged Alliance.
ren_shownetworkstats command issued in the FA console will display the sim speed of all the players in the game.
The minimum CPU for a 8 player Setons game is a 3ghz with 2 or more cores. The minimum GFX is a ATI 4770 (IMHO)
From my experience, all of you Setons players need to buy a new computer. My OC 4Ghz upgrade cost me $300 for a new MB and Processor.