I am pissed off with the whole balance discussion.
You have limited input to players that only play 1v1 using a skewed rating system.
Most of those 'Select' players are expert T1/T2 tactical rush or flyjocky types... 1700+
Strategic balance has been missing from FAF since 3603
...no nuke defense to cover naval expansions.
People don't report bugs because they are told ... ' If you want a change fix it yourself... make a mod, test it, provide replays. Oh and btw when complete you don't qualify to submit it. '
Now you have really messed things up in the 3620 patch by nefting shields to prevent turtling. Turtling has always been a viable option in TA, Supcom and Supcom FA. Now FAF has killed this basic gameplay archetype by making shields useless.
Are you trying to mimic the US electoral system where you can only vote for the chosen 'One'?
What % of the player base do your elite group represent? 10% maybe 20% ...there are other legit ways of playing the game rather than banging heads in 1v1. Amongst the 80% odd player base that you have locked out of even suggesting a change are some ideas that would improve the game overall not just in 30min melee. Any end game issues won't get up for a vote like para or naval anti-nuke. But stupid issues like 'Lets stop turtling' do.
Yeah but don't listen to people like me... i have poor rating in your system.
A system that won't let people play WITH friends, only against them
...give me a CO-OP Campaign server you elite kunts!...
PS I have only 20 games under your crazy score system ...lol 5k would be closer.