AU Timezone Concerns

Talk about general things concerning Forged Alliance Forever.

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AU Timezone Concerns

Postby challa » 11 Jul 2020, 00:12

Hello everyone,,
I believe somebody raised this subject last month but rather than searching for that and necroing a thread I decided to rekindle the discussion here on my own.

The fact of the matter is that without Nombringer there is not a consistent AU Timezone moderator. Com is occasionally online but rarely active during these hours. I think it would be in our best interests to find someone to fill this slot. Of course the decision to add another moderator comes down to the moderation team but I think it has become apparent that they need an Oceanic TZ active type person..
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Re: AU Timezone Concerns

Postby Endranii » 11 Jul 2020, 15:45

Mirddes is active and recognizable personality that leads the biggest ANZ server ever! Considering he's from that timezone he should have no problem filing in.I'm sure he will make for great moderator and bring an era of love and peace to aussie timezone.
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