Sparkies: T3 Version?

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Sparkies: T3 Version?

Postby Dragun101 » 08 Jul 2020, 15:51

Don’t want to post this in balance section, because it be wrong there I feel. But for one reason or another, I really like my Sparkies beside Titan, Ravager and concept of UEF Drones, the sparky is my favorite UEF unit. Ravager&Titan is mostly I think aethestically look cool (and Ravager for me I like the relationship mechanically speaking between it and the Percy personally in Steam version). The Sparky unit for me, alongside the Stinger, represents one of coolest aspects of UEF. Its flexibility, but how it has these hyper specialized units too.

A disappointment I have is lack of T3 Field Engineer. Which would add Ravager, T3 Artillery, T3 Shields, SMD and SML. It would still likely be underwelming in fairness, and typing it out beside Ravager, and T3 Shields, the other additions sound weird for it. But in general guess I am asking what folks would think of such an addition? A T3 Version of Sparkies with intel/radar range increased to T1 Stationary Radar, Jamming with added Blips, build power of two T2 Regular Engies + Pillar offensively.

*Also whomever in FAF made it so Sparkies built by any T2 Factory not just T2 Land is awesome.
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Re: Sparkies: T3 Version?

Postby Captcha-Lover » 08 Jul 2020, 21:08

The tech 3 sparky already exists, it's called support armoured command unit and can be built in the quantum gateway. It has the ability to build T3 arty, has the offensive powe of 5 pillars and can even produce ressources.
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Re: Sparkies: T3 Version?

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 08 Jul 2020, 23:45

and also have Jammer!
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Re: Sparkies: T3 Version?

Postby TheKoopa » 09 Jul 2020, 01:56

Bad news, the uef sacu also has a jammer
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