Nomads vs Cybran similarities

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Nomads vs Cybran similarities

Postby Flynn » 29 Apr 2020, 23:50

I can't be the only one who finds the Nomads similar to the Cybrans in both aesthetic and philosophy. I have been on FAF since Jan 2013 and only just had a play around with Nomads in a sandbox game, I must say, they look as much fun as Cybran (the "fun" faction), if not more! Who wants to see Nomads fully integrated into FAF? I know this has been discussed before, I vaguely remember it from years ago.
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Re: Nomads vs Cybran similarities

Postby FtXCommando » 30 Apr 2020, 17:51

They're fun because they are obscenely OP. If they were ever even considered for integration, you could probably expect like half of the unique shit of the faction to be removed to bring it back into the stratosphere of FAF balance.

The general idea currently is that ranking the mod is a potential option, integration is not.
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