I was never disconnected from a live game once it had begun, but there was frequent pausing and lag.
I suspect the problem lies with Hetzner and Telia routers that are between the faf server and America. My ISP was routing through Telia which was having huge problems in January but then they started routing around them and through Hetzner. Now Hetzner is dropping packets. I emailed them last night and they refused to believe they were the issue because by the time they investigated the problem had resolved. I sent them traceroute evidence that their routers were suspect.
If anyone else has issues, please run a traceroute to the faf servers in the dos box cmd prompt. How?
Start -> type in "cmd" then press enter.
A black box comes up.
Type into box: "tracert
www.faforever.com" and hit enter
Copy/paste contents or screenshot, then email results to:
[email protected]Put in your subject: "severe routing issue through your network" or something similar, especially if you notice something like below:
"8 107 ms 100 ms 100 ms ae0-3356.lon10.core-backbone.com []
9 121 ms 128 ms 123 ms ae10-2021.fra20.core-backbone.com []
10 151 ms * 159 ms core-backbone.hetzner.com []
11 192 ms 158 ms 156 ms core21.fsn1.hetzner.com []
12 149 ms * 150 ms ex9k1.dc1.fsn1.hetzner.com []
13 * 156 ms 157 ms faforever.com []
Notice the asterisks appearing on hop 10 and 12 which are potentially indicative of packet loss on the hetzner equipment. There's more to reading a tracert, but if you see this, email them please. The more of us who complain might prompt them to fix their stuff.