It's an "open secret" that I'm trans, and apart from the fact that certain individuals seem to have a creepy fascination with it and like to point it out every chance they get even though it's none of their business, I'd like to talk about the general behaviour on Aeolus.
It pains me to have to point out, in this day and age, that being a homophobe/transphobe/racist/<insert your variety of despicable cunt here> places you in a particularly pathetic little backwater of society. And I say "society" with reservation, since society is made up of humans, and you need to be human to begin with to qualify.
You might think that it's cute to act like an immature homophobic idiot when you have audience on Aeolus; well, all it shows it that you have a lot of growing up to do and that your parents did an absolutely shocking job. I wonder whether you'd have the courage to say the things you do, face-to-face. Hell, I don't even wonder, I know you won't. You're a predictable coward, hiding behind your keyboard like every other little twat through the years who has spouted hate on the internet. See, here's the thing. Each member of LGBTQ community, each and every one of us, has more bravery and courage in our little finger than you'll ever cultivate in your entire lifetime of drooling beatitude.
It gets tiresome to constantly fight against casual statements like "X is gay" or "Y is a faggot for Ctl-K". If you can't understand why it's harmful, then rather just shut your trap.
And yes, this thread is gay. A most excellent state of being. It would be nice if the moderation team would be more proactive in this regard, but unfortunately it seems to be a bit of a dirty subject. It takes courage and empathy and insight to stand up for others as well and my sincere hope is that the moderation team is prepared to do something other than ask for reports. The problem is pervasive and you aren't helping by reducing it into individual instances.
As for you - and you know who you are - you are ruining the community for others. Kindly piss off until you've grown some pubes and put some life experience under your belt.
That is all.