FtXCommando wrote: That is, again, providing a disincentive to actually play games to improve as why would i want to be Division 2 Rank 3718 when I could be sexy Division 3 Rank 1?
Because you will be rank 427. in "Advanced division" with stronger color in chat, instead of 1. in "Begginer division", same question for me, whats a point of compte when you know you are all the time somewhere betwen 4575-2432. None ever care about that. Lot of good very competetive players leave and play some others games that not even like as faf jast because there is not real competition. When all funny parth will be for best 10 then you cut not 60% of population that is in noob division (what i not even cut off) and have 1000 point scenary but 99,9999%. Division name try to describe skill player inside in midle to end of season, so it should cca be correct.
FtXCommando wrote:I also totally disagree with making moving between divisions difficult as now you’re making balance impossible as seasons go on.
its more psychological stepp wining 3 games from 5, (or even 4) is not that hard. Its 60% win ration that must act in right moment, what make some stronger feeling that its goint about something, and player can have tuff time because game enviroment. It can be more stressfull as casual game, it should be frustrating and rewarding. Thats main point of division and stepping on ladder.
FtXCommando wrote: as now you’re making balance impossible as seasons go on
There are two posibilities on this dilema, i like more
-first one that i describe on start, (game balanced by division +-1) because it will create more natural events but
-second one (game balanced only by trueskill, that work hiden behind, and get points for competition feeling) is fully accesible and most of what you mention is not true on that option.
Player will get oponent by him skill, but points in ladder will be calculate depend on points of oponent, its not very simple to understand while its kind of dual system, but reason for this is make something that is competetive and keep presure for players to play more games to move somewhere.
Very strong positive is seasoning of game, where enviroment is different on start and on end, you will all time get balanced oponent, but while he join on ladder on end, he will probbaly not have time to climb to top for supremme division.
Whole population wil also rise by time, while upgrade to up div. is revarding with 2 free wins by point side and downgrade is not. System will get more point on how people play more games. It doesnt realy mather that even best players will be second mounth in Master division only - when are best. They have place for climb and for achvievment. And comunity have multiple option for natural events and "news" like how is league going, and "oooh looks, yestrday first player Mrs FtXCommander open Grand master division whats record for last 3 season, how he do it so early, lets watch this replay and you will understant!"
Its kind of lie, but it create something that is more interesting to watch and be parth off - and thats a whats going on.
FtXCommando wrote:Now people will see no real reason to trust this symbol because they see someone like Blackheart start a season in the beginner division and laugh at the entire idea. At least I would.
when he dont play ladder then of course, but i think that it will took like 2 weeks to move out, and still will have oponents by same trueskill level so will not even meet him. This will push him to play some ladder games of be target of this laught. Also someone as GalacticFear who was too long 1 by rating was like 580 in ladder, while he play only seton and not ladder, did someone laught about that? i dont think so, it will be same there.
FtXCommando wrote:If you group 60% of the community into one division, the value of the division is nonexistent and you can never use it as a metric to replace trueskill as we have it now. And yes, I do wish to have divisions replace trueskill in custom games as well.
There should be more division for lowerclass (801-1000 bronze, 601-800 stone 401-600 woden 201-400 donky, 0 - 200 monkey... etc, etc) its not problem at all, but whats a problem is that there is not differences on this skill level. But its a minimum to add more divisions for 0-1000 points and divide it.
FtXCommando wrote:Why would I bust my ass as 2300 Blodir facing Petric and beating him 9-10 times just to get the honor of moving from Beginner to Ur-Ok-I-Guess division? It’s just a silly situation.
It is but its posible to happend in every enviroment thats created. All the time there can and will be someone who will lose jast to add point/rating for somone else, there was also situation where Sidisomething was banned for forever (and still is there) for creating multiple acconts that he harvest rating from.
FtXCommando wrote:This is really an absolutely nonexistent problem and the only people that complain about it are people upset that they need to adapt to a metagame surrounding them.
Its not true at all, there was old galactic wars project, that work on this way, where all players have random names that was anonymized and lot of ppls like the idea that they dont even know who are facing sometime was even horibly bashed while on start act as noob but he wasnt. Im not and never was creating enviroment that is fiting me, or only my, thats not my style. There is more stress and tryharding when you dont know who you are facing and what game style to expect.