we had quite a few of (justified) complaints regarding the release of the 3705 patch.
Due to this we are now going to organize our changes on the github repository better by adding milestones to pull request of the patch they should go into which in return gives us a nice list of changes of said upcoming patch.
If you are interested in helping us test new things for the game patch then you can find the list here
Pull Requests that are merged are already part of the FAF Develop game mode and can be tested by playing a FAF Develop game via the faf client (little to no barrier of entry and thus easiest way to test).
If you wish to test pull requests that have not yet been merged and are still open then you can do that by following this guide.
This is slightly more advanced and not as easy so if you have a hard time dealing with computers then you might want to not do that.
I will also keep a list of changes that are already merged and thus playable via FAF Develop in this post and update it whenever i have time to do so.
Once we are happy with the content of the upcoming patch we will inform you and probably have some test period of 2 weeks or so where we would like people to play the FAF Develop game mode so we can get as many test games from as many users as possible to avoid having bugs in the other game modes in FAF.
List of current changes in the FAF Develop game mode:
- weapon category fix #2812 - changes some unit database values to make more sense
Fixed Sera ACU PhaseShield mesh #2808 - fixes a (potential) bug with the sera acu shield
https://github.com/FAForever/fa/pull/2805 - update of the mod blacklist
- Keyser
Best Regards