solution :modify the steamcache container image to also cache downloads for FAF
added benefit : takes load off the faf servers
If you want to give it a go, all you need to do;
(you'll need a bit of experience with docker / containers)
- download and run steamcache/steamcache container. This is effectively a reverse proxy running nginx. You can download the image form here
- modify /etc/nginx/sites-available/steamcache.conf file in the container. Add the following directly below the existing "location /depot/" entry (for steam) to cache all /faf/ URI requests;
- Code: Select all
location /faf/ {
try_files $uri @mirror;
access_log /data/logs/access.log steamcache-local;
- redirect local DNS queries for to your local server (above). I entered a host entry on my local DNS (pfsense : resolver service)
- profit
There is a built-in script /scripts/ that displays access.log and highlights in green any cache HITS
(why i've left logging classified as "steamcache-local")
optionally you can use some of their other container images if you want to cache other gaming services i.e ; - as DNS service to direct queries locally - to forward though any https queries that cache cannot handle