Hi, I know this is kind of an off question.
Been trying out Loud for a while, have given up on it.
While it runs faster, their changes beyond the graphics do not work for me, it alters the game play to much for me.
I am wanting to try out some of the newer updates/rebalances from here but have been unable to.
I tried installing the faf client beside the game, but saw nothing about integrating the newer patches.
I pointed it to my install, but I have not been able to get it to do anything except try to make me login to an account I do not have, or sync with steam which I also do not have.
All of my games are installed from CD/DVD that I have on my game shelf.
I also do not game online.
Does anyone have the directions to use the Lua for FA from github?
My system is not setup the 'standard' way.
The only things on my C drive, are Win7, Drivers & Vs2013, nothing else.
I do not use the user profile for anything, and have put nothing in there.
Windows has only managed to put/spill <2Gb in it, and that includes some save games for SCFA, which I have been unable to move elsewhere, but would like to.
All of my software is installed to other drives, modified/configured to put things where I want them, or in portable mode.
Nothing is where the faf client expects it, and I have been unable to make sense of the loading mechanism.
All of my games are on one drive, sorted by type.
I have tried putting the lua archive it in SCFA\faf then calling init.lua, but it does not load.
Most of the directories it looks for are not present on my system.
Is there an idiots guide I can use to get started?