The rating system has a couple of serious problems. The first problem is the rating of new players. Because of how the displayed rating is calculated, you are very likely get a negative rating when you start playing FAF. No one wants to have a negative rating, it's surely a bad experience for a new player. My suggestion would be to hide a players rating completely both ingame and out for the first X number of games, until it is vaguely accurate.
The second problem also relates to new players. New ladder players are still matched with people around 1300/1400. They should have a wide range of players they can be matched with for their first game(s) so that they can quickly and easily start playing FAF. Players with low ladder ratings generally should have a pretty wide rating range that they can be matched against. Right now their first game has to be against a 1300/1400 and this is really bad. It makes it difficult to get the first game which really needs to be the easiest to get, and when they get it they get wrecked. The next game will be against a 1000/1100 and they will get crushed again. Whatever fix was implemented did not work at all. I have checked several players' ladder history in the vault to confirm this.
Finally, here are the global leaderboards: ... rds/global
The top 3 players are Suzuji, Giebmasse and Sid. In no way are these the top 3 players of FAF. They probably should not even be top 10. Suzuji and Gieb have inflated ratings from playing in "all welcome" games where they are often far far better than everyone else in the game. For Sid I dunno, maybe he was playing with himself again. I don't know how to fix this problem but global rating is a joke. I guess team matchmaker can solve this when it arrives.
Hopefully some people with a better understanding of the rating system can suggest solutions, my knowledge is limited.