Why is fullshare on on seton ?

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Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby surtsan » 05 Nov 2017, 02:19


I was just wondering (didn't really get an answer about that on aeolus, just one vague answer) why is full share on on "high level" seton (pray it doesn't spread to other maps, please) ? All the maps I have ever played on faf or even on gpg, it was never full share on the maps I was playing (never played seton before on faf/gpg btw).

It kinda kills the purpose of assassination (you want to snip an acu and then ideally take their base or at least the reclaim with engineers). With full share on, even if you kill an acu, it is just a double eco for another player (which can, and often is much more scary, if the player knows what he's doing with it) so you don't really get any advantage (can even be a disadvantage) in sniping an acu. Of course if it is a "beginner" who has double eco, it won't change anything on the game.
I guess the only scenario where it doesn't affect that much to have full share on instead of off is when you snip with drop com t3 for example, you can grab most of his eco rather easily)

tldr :
-Much less penalizing for a team to loose an acu
-Sniping is, most of the times, not really interesting anymore and can even worsen ur team situation if you snipe an acu because of double eco.

Dammit, had another argument but forgot it.

I would even think that supremacy may even be better than assassination full share (at least no double eco in supremacy, but games can last much longer in supremacy...)

Only talking about seton fullshare btw, no other map. I'm really curious to read the answers and see what I didn't think about that.
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Re: Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby Petricpwnz » 05 Nov 2017, 02:33

Because somehow ironocally senton people are the smartest at picking good lobby settings.
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Re: Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby FtXCommando » 05 Nov 2017, 03:03

Real men play with the share setting that gives the base to the enemy if an ACU dies.
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Re: Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby Zeldafanboy » 05 Nov 2017, 03:36

I hate it, but I assume it's because each player on a Seton's team has a specialized role (front, rock, beach, air) and if one of those go down (especially air, maybe not front) that team basically loses the game. I do agree that fullshare often makes it so losing a com can be a benefit to a team, which sucks, but Setons is so huge that managing two spots is pretty mentally taxing. Sniping during the T2 stage of the game is the worst because that can really slingshot the enemy into the T3 stage long before anyone else. As a Cybran player that can be a huge bummer because I love Corsair snipes.

Although, only roughly half the Seton's games I play are fullshare. Thankfully I've never seen it on another map.
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Re: Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby FtXCommando » 05 Nov 2017, 03:42

Most 2v2s utilize full share.
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Re: Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby Farmsletje » 05 Nov 2017, 04:03

People come to faf for a fun experience (kappa)

A lot of people, myself included, don't think that snipes are a fun part of the game. It will ruin a lot of games and end them within 10 min.

Having to play 2v1, even with the same eco, will be a serious downside (especially in 2v2 games) because you will have half the apm of the other team. Because of that acu kills are still worth quite a lot, but not the insane value it normally has.

In normal teamgames though, full share probably won't be good for the gameplay because most teamgame maps are really cramped, which means having an extra base won't require a lot of apm. This means you can do stupid suicide charges on your enemy while keeping your base intact for your ally for when you die.
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Re: Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby JoonasTo » 05 Nov 2017, 13:32

Because one player dropping or crashing halfway in a multi-hour game is garbage.

And yes, if you snipe people, start from the best okay? :lol:
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Re: Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby surtsan » 05 Nov 2017, 15:35

Yeah I understand that one death is/can a huge blow for enemy in fullshare off but for me it is normal, you should be penalized if you are in a 3v4 situation. If you see a weakness in enemy team you better exploit it.

Oh this one is a good one, for a connection loss (but tbh there is 50% chance of anyone disconnecting in your team or enemy team, or maybe even less chance in your team since you hopefully have a stable connection). And if it is a multi hour game (wut? 2 hours? I have never played that long in a game), in this scenario put t3 engineers in your friend bases I guess..

I was just thinking of seton for fullshare, not 2v2 or other scenario.
I don't know, I love the fact in fa that all maps can be insanely different to play, for example cramped teamgames maps means that it is often easier to have double eco (less apm usually as you said) whereas big maps it is often harder to double eco, variety is nice on that double eco scenario too.

And yes, in full share I guess you snipe the one who will have the biggest blow to loose for the enemy team.
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Re: Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby tatsu » 05 Nov 2017, 16:50

look what you say applies on any other map but setons is different in that the meta has been developed to a point that it's clearly unconventional and being so advanced makes the exponential possible gaps ginormous you don't want or need to exacerbate that any further.

you can try it out.

playing with people who know the meta and who are +1500 and setons will end in under 15 minutes if fullshare is off. and noone whill have gotten their fill.

eco is just too strong on this map and without full share you can go ham on all sorts of com snipes that the only counter to are going to be beating the other to the punch.

makes for very, very short, very unsatisfying games even for the winner.

but to each their own. If you don't like it host shareless setons. I'm sure you can fill em.

I'll just say that if you've upgraded your playstyle from fullshare to shareless then what are you doing sticking around on setons? time to upgrade that too.
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Re: Why is fullshare on on seton ?

Postby JoonasTo » 05 Nov 2017, 18:04

surtsan wrote:And if it is a multi hour game (wut? 2 hours? I have never played that long in a game)

Well, you have like 10 games, I'm not surprised :lol:
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