None of my IRL friends are playing SCFA or have even touched it.
And since i'm not the greatest at properly hyping a game I haven't been able to convince them so far to get it.
(Not that I have really tried very hard before. So the situation is that they just don't know what it is really)
So i'm planning on just buying some keys in a sale and distributing them between my friends.
Followed by having us all play some games together so they can get the feel of the game.
Now here comes my question: What would be the best/easiest way to give them the best possible experience / first impression?
We'll probably all play online (but i could try to organize some LAN games first if that is considered superior).
I assume i don't let them play with other people, since they have 0 experience and would just get murdered by random people.
But should i myself also not play and simply be an observer? If I do play, how should I ideally behave?
I'm thinking i could just fool around while avoiding any dominant behaviour. Yes/no?
What maps should we play? Just go with the most popular ones (that are not gap/thermo etc), like canis, wonder, etc?
Or should i start with coop games?
What mods should we use? Probably no sim mods at all?
What UI mods should i recommend? Only simple mods, like SSB and Notify? (UI party and eco mod would require too much configuration and could be too intrusive at first)
Which game aspects should I properly explain?
And how would i ideally explain them? Give them a list with top 10 things you need to know?
Make a video showing the top 10 things?
Or should I just make a real effort and make a basic new player tutorial map that guides them through these top 10 things you need to know.
(If I did this, should i have them play it beforehand or just make it coop so they can play it together just before the games?)
As you may have noticed I have no real clue how to properly handle this.
I only started playing after watching 50+ hours of Gyle casts so I roughly knew what was up before even touching the game.
I doubt I can convince my friends to do the same.
So some suggestion/experience sharing for a decent alternative would be great.