Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderators: FtXCommando, Ze Dogfather
FtXCommando wrote:
need to give him some time to blossom into an aids flower
EntropyWins wrote:I've been playing games on a small set of similar maps a lot with friends, and have gotten a rating of 1600. Now I'd like to become better at the game in general and do other types of maps and 1v1s. The problem here is that I'm definitely not 1600 in this case, maybe 1200 or so, so that the people with tho I have good balance don't want to play, and those that match in rating just kick my ass badly. Is it fine to make a second account to get around this, as long as its made clear to the people who I'm playing with that it is a new account and that I'm probably about 1200?
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