OK, A cruiser can have two diferent AA systems. But the model shows exactly the same weapon design for both. What is the right thing?
Olaris AA Artillery Cannon (Anti Air, Normal): 480 dps, range: 0 - 65, area damage radius: 4projectile: 120 damagemuzzle velocity: 20fire cycle: 2 projectiles every 0.5 seconds, 240 damage totalturret pitch: 0° ±180° (180°/s), turret yaw: 0° ±180° (180°/s)firing randomness: 2.5, firing tolerance: 2
Cleo AA Gatling Gun (Anti Air, Normal): 333.33 dps, range: 0 - 45projectile: 50 damagemuzzle velocity: 100fire cycle: 2 projectiles every 0.3 seconds, 100 damage totalturret pitch: 0° ±180° (180°/s), turret yaw: 0° ±180° (180°/s)firing tolerance: 0.5