So it seems retards don't understand or have a problem with finding someone to play this game with? I don't understand what is wrong with wanting human interaction rather than random players whom I may never see again. What am I not allowed to find a teammate and play the game my way? Bunch of opinionated idiots definitely exist on these forums
I've had Supreme commander and the FA dlc expansion for a while now.
I did have someone to play with, but he wasn't the type for strategy games and didn't have the tactical mind for it. I have previously installed SupComFAF before, this is my new installation of SupComFAF on Windows10.
I do need someone, or a group of people maybe. Not a clan.I have had enough of "clan spam" on the "Warthunder" forums, I do not need it here on this post.
Equipment Requirements
Preferably, you will have "Discord" as a means of voice communication and maybe steam as well.
Personality Requirements
You need to be down to earth and humorous. I will not tolerate idiots. E.g. I met a guy who, in his own words described how his "Online ego" is very personal to him. Lmao, get outta here. Another example would be, if you take things too serious/ are very literal or you let "Rage quitting" spoil a good game.
If you meet those requirements, PM me.