Hi - This is for my own benefit to log my (hopeful) progress; however if anyone can offer any tips, I'll put at end of my ramblings a few points I'm thinking about to save all the waffle below.....
I stumbled across this game after a while, searching for something Command & Conqueresque (and Dune 2 before that!!) which consumed many an hour growing up. Needless to say after watching some action and buying the game am addicted; not so much with the game itself but the learning challenge which is clearly needed to play online to any sort of standard! Here's how I am getting on so far....
Week 1 - Mostly consisted of loading up the SP campaign, playing through to the end part of 1st mission and then getting a bit bored..... story modes have never been my thing. Since then started watching a lot of Youtube vids, starting with the Gyle Epic battles (so much to take in) and then stumbling across the learning vids by ZaphodX, Voodoo and Zock lessons (apologies if I got names wrong). Wow, so much to learn! Found my way to this site, which is a massive help to the learning cause. Jumped straight into a 1v1 ladder game, got matched against a 1200 rated opponent..... to be fair a 12 rated opponent would have done me - got finished off in no time. A wake up call; work to do! Instead decided to start playing 1v1 skirmish against CPU on easy (Finns Island map) to start practising what i can pick up from the videos and tutorials. Very hard in an action situation to stay calm and action a plan but then have only just started, still learning the basic mechanics and controls even so cannot expect much at this stage. Get to stage of instead of losing each time and making basic mistakes (not getting the mass points quick enough, when raided not replacing them and not getting enough units out there and pressing forward) - started winning by dominating air and bombers. Keep winning after that a few more but quickly realised it was by using same tactic and not learning other aspects of game so on to something new.
Week 2 - So after watching a lot more youtube..... decided that what i need to do is to start playing online with other noobs so played a game, 1v1v1 on a map i can only describe as dark, green with a shed load of small islands. Game creator said that it was no air so all navy - learned a new one here. Both other players used the Zui units early stages to halt my expansion (which was actually going ok) to hold me down, and then upgraded navy destroyers finished me off. No one likes losing but I guess improving is learning from mistakes. Played a game tonight on a custom map (Rush me if you can I think it was called?) - Anyway this was a 3v3 team game - decided to use the Zui's myself which actually worked a treat, beat down the guy's base and he then walked his commander into certain death, down to a 3v2 match up. After re-watching the replay (I got sniped by 5 strat bombers about 5 minutes later.....) I felt sick..... realisation that there was 6 mass extractors in easy each reach which I did not take; putting me and as such my time at a big disadvantage. Anyway the dissapointment aside; realise a couple of things. Need to know maps better to make sure I can take at least what I should take. Secondly, I have the ideas tactically of what I would like to do, my move worked and put the other team at a disadvantage. My lack of experience made silly errors (looking back) so must work more on basics.
Anyway - Points for me I am thinking about; 1) how to scout effectively using units and radar 2) mass extractor upgrading; heard on a video lesson and saw one player having mass extractor upgrades on pause, on the video i watched they glossed over it but from what I could gather there might me a way of automating this process? 3) need to learn unit differences of different races; the Zui invasions of 1st online game threw me and I AM ONLY ON TECH 1 RIGHT NOW
Thanks for any pointers, Gonna go put on some Youtube and try pick up some more info