Most of us always wanted to contribute to FAF but lack the coding skills to do so. Especially for those people, Softly(Softles) will be hosting a FAF coding school where he will explain how to start contributing. There is absolutely 0 coding skill required! There will be a dedicated chat room for all participants where he will explain how the server works and the logic behind it, how to set up your own development environment on your pc, how to make changes, how to test those, the basics of the coding itself and maybe fix a few bugs .
This session will be hosted on the upcoming saturday, the ENTIRE day, starting from 9 am GMT. Our beloved Sheeo will also join to help out where he can, so even your most difficult questions will get answered.
We are looking forward to seeing you there to make the difference for our beloved community, please spread this to any motivated friends you know to maximize the profit of Softly's devoted time. See you soon!