garbage in the game pref file

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garbage in the game pref file

Postby SeraphimLeftNut » 11 Mar 2016, 22:55

SOLUTION: Remove they keybindings twice using the F1 menu.

I will say that hotbuild and keybinding is working better on FAF today than it did at many times in the past, when hotbuild mod and other mods would fight FA and eachother to create bugs. However...

I often find myself accidentally putting in debug commands during gameplay, especially when keybindings have been changed(like after a reinstall)

['Ctrl-Slash'] = 'debug_pause_single_step',
['Ctrl-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_f4',
['Ctrl-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_f5',
['Alt-F11'] = 'debug_show_frame_stats',
['Shift-F8'] = 'debug_show_army_stats',
['Alt-F3'] = 'debug_scenario_method_f3',
['Ctrl-Shift-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_f4',
['Ctrl-Shift-X'] = 'debug_redo_console_command',
['Ctrl-Alt-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_alt_f3',
['Ctrl-Alt-Comma'] = 'debug_graphics_fidelity_0',
['Ctrl-Shift-W'] = 'debug_weapons',
['Ctrl-F10'] = 'debug_restart_session',
['Ctrl-Alt-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_alt_f5',
['Alt-Delete'] = 'debug_destroy_units',
['Ctrl-Alt-Period'] = 'debug_graphics_fidelity_2',
['Ctrl-Alt-P'] = 'debug_navpath',
['Ctrl-Shift-V'] = 'debug_paste_units',
['Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F8'] = 'debug_campaign_instawin',
['Ctrl-Shift-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_f5',
['Ctrl-Shift-Alt-C'] = 'debug_collision',
['Shift-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f4',
['Ctrl-Alt-Z'] = 'debug_sally_shears',
['Shift-F6'] = 'debug_create_entity',
['Ctrl-Shift-C'] = 'debug_copy_units',
['Alt-T'] = 'debug_teleport',
['Ctrl-Alt-W'] = 'debug_render_wireframe',
['Shift-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f5',
['Ctrl-Alt-B'] = 'debug_blingbling',
['Ctrl-Alt-O'] = 'debug_grid',
and there are more

When I attempt to remove these from the game pref file, the game puts them back next time it is run. AND WHAT IS WORSE IT REMOVES THE KEY BINDINGS TO MY COMMANDS. So when I try to select air fighters on screen, instead I toggle control of opponent AI. INSTEAD of selecting a t2 engie I remove the map border.
Unbinding these keys from the F1 screen in game, just changes the keybindings.

It would be nice not to have such things there, because quite a few of them can ruin the game for you if you don't know how to undo a particular command you ran.
Furthermore they are annoying to have there when you are trying to troubleshoot problems with the game, not knowing whether or not you ran some command that is fucking you right now, is quite painful.

Hopefully someone can look into this and if it is not difficult, solve this. Perhaps some commands can be left in, but most should go.

Furthermore some debug command keybinds show up twice in the game pref file
once in the
UserDebugKeyMap = {
['Ctrl-Alt-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_alt_f5',
['Ctrl-Alt-B'] = 'debug_blingbling',
['Shift-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f4',
['Shift-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f5',
['Ctrl-Shift-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_f5',
['Ctrl-Slash'] = 'debug_pause_single_step',
['Alt-T'] = 'debug_teleport',
['Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F8'] = 'debug_campaign_instawin',
['Alt-F9'] = 'debug_open_lua_debugger',
['Ctrl-Alt-Z'] = 'debug_sally_shears',
['Ctrl-Shift-C'] = 'debug_copy_units',
['Ctrl-F3'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_f3',
['Alt-B'] = 'debug_bones',
['Ctrl-Alt-Period'] = 'debug_graphics_fidelity_2',
['Ctrl-Alt-P'] = 'debug_navpath',
['Ctrl-Shift-X'] = 'debug_redo_console_command',
['Ctrl-Shift-Alt-C'] = 'debug_collision',
['Shift-F7'] = 'debug_show_stats',
['Shift-F6'] = 'debug_create_entity',
['Alt-N'] = 'debug_nodamage',
['Alt-Delete'] = 'debug_destroy_units',
['Ctrl-Alt-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_alt_f3',
['Ctrl-Alt-Comma'] = 'debug_graphics_fidelity_0',
['Ctrl-Shift-W'] = 'debug_weapons',
['Ctrl-Alt-O'] = 'debug_grid',
['Ctrl-Alt-E'] = 'debug_show_emmitter_window',
['Alt-F11'] = 'debug_show_frame_stats',
['Alt-F2'] = 'debug_create_unit',
['Shift-F8'] = 'debug_show_army_stats',
['Ctrl-F10'] = 'debug_restart_session',
['Ctrl-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_f5',
['Shift-F3'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f3',
['Ctrl-Shift-V'] = 'debug_paste_units',
['Alt-F3'] = 'debug_scenario_method_f3',
['Ctrl-Shift-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_f4',
['Ctrl-Shift-F1'] = 'debug_toggle_pannels',
['Ctrl-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_f4',
['Ctrl-Alt-W'] = 'debug_render_wireframe',
F9 = 'debug_toggle_log_window'

and once in the
UserKeyMap = {
Tab = 'pause_unit',
['Ctrl-0'] = 'set_group0',
['Shift-8'] = 'append_group8',
['Shift-6'] = 'append_group6',
F2 = 'toggle_score_screen',
['Ctrl-9'] = 'set_group9',
['Alt-F9'] = 'debug_open_lua_debugger',
['Alt-Tilde'] = 'nearest bomber',
['Shift-M'] = 'shift_move',
['Ctrl-F3'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_f3',
['Alt-D'] = 'Select nearest t2 engineer',
['Alt-Shift-C'] = 'Select all idle land factories',
['Shift-3'] = 'append_group3',
['Ctrl-Shift-X'] = 'debug_redo_console_command',
['Ctrl-N'] = 'rename',
['Shift-Z'] = 'shift_reclaim',
LeftBracket = 'mode',
['Ctrl-5'] = 'set_group5',
F5 = 'ping_alert',
['Ctrl-Z'] = 'select_all_units_of_same_type',
['Shift-5'] = 'append_group5',
['Ctrl-Shift-F1'] = 'debug_toggle_pannels',
['Ctrl-Shift-7'] = 'fac_group7',
['Ctrl-8'] = 'set_group8',
['Shift-4'] = 'append_group4',
['Ctrl-C'] = 'upgrades',
['Alt-DownArrow'] = 'switch_layout_down',
['1'] = 'group1',
['0'] = 'group0',
['3'] = 'fac_group3',
['2'] = 'fac_group2',
['4'] = 'group4',
['Alt-Shift-W'] = 'spreadattack',
Pause = 'pause',
A = 'attack',
C = 'aa',
E = 'sensors',
D = 'templates',
['Ctrl-Shift-9'] = 'fac_group9',
H = 'engystation',
Home = 'split_screen_enable',
['Alt-2'] = 'set_group2',
M = 'move',
L = 'launch_tactical',
['Alt-Q'] = 'gunships on screen',
['Alt-S'] = 'overcharge',
S = 'mass',
R = 'shields',
U = 'mobilearty',
T = 'tmd',
F7 = 'ping_attack',
V = 'torpedo',
Y = 'xp',
['Shift-Q'] = 'energy_storage',
['Ctrl-Alt-O'] = 'debug_grid',
Z = 'reclaim',
['Alt-Shift-E'] = 'patrol',
['Ctrl-B'] = 'select_engineers',
['Ctrl-Alt-B'] = 'debug_blingbling',
['Shift-Space'] = 'guard',
['Shift-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f5',
Backspace = 'capture',
['Alt-T'] = 'debug_teleport',
['Ctrl-Alt-W'] = 'debug_render_wireframe',
F6 = 'ping_move',
['Alt-E'] = 'Select nearest air scout',
['Ctrl-Shift-C'] = 'debug_copy_units',
F11 = 'toggle_disconnect_screen',
F10 = 'toggle_main_menu',
['Shift-F6'] = 'debug_create_entity',
F1 = 'toggle_key_bindings',
NumStar = 'reset_game_speed',
Slash = 'show_network_stats',
['Ctrl-Shift-1'] = 'fac_group1',
['Shift-F3'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f3',
['Alt-F2'] = 'debug_create_unit',
['Ctrl-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_f4',
['Alt-N'] = 'debug_nodamage',
['Ctrl-F10'] = 'debug_restart_session',
['Alt-F'] = 'nearest transport',
F9 = 'debug_toggle_log_window',
F4 = 'toggle_diplomacy_screen',
['Alt-Z'] = 'select_next_land_factory',
W = 'builders',
['Ctrl-Alt-Z'] = 'debug_sally_shears',
['Ctrl-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_f5',
['Shift-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_shift_f4',
F = 'pgen',
NumPlus = 'increase_game_speed',
['Shift-0'] = 'append_group0',
['Ctrl-V'] = 'select_nearest_idle_lt_mex',
['Ctrl-Shift-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_f5',
['Ctrl-Shift-Alt-C'] = 'debug_collision',
X = 'defense',
['Shift-F8'] = 'debug_show_army_stats',
['Ctrl-Alt-Comma'] = 'debug_graphics_fidelity_0',
['Ctrl-Alt-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_alt_f3',
['Ctrl-Slash'] = 'debug_pause_single_step',
['Ctrl-6'] = 'set_group6',
['Alt-Shift-A'] = 'shift_transport',
['Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F8'] = 'debug_campaign_instawin',
['Shift-2'] = 'append_group2',
['Alt-Shift-Z'] = 'shift_repair',
['Shift-N'] = 'shift_nuke',
['Alt-X'] = 'select_nearest_air_factory',
['Shift-1'] = 'append_group1',
['Ctrl-Alt-F5'] = 'debug_scenario_method_ctrl_alt_f5',
['Ctrl-7'] = 'set_group7',
['Alt-C'] = 'select_commander',
N = 'nuke',
['Alt-3'] = 'set_group3',
F8 = 'ping_marker',
['Shift-L'] = 'shift_launch_tactical',
['Shift-7'] = 'append_group7',
['Ctrl-Shift-0'] = 'fac_group0',
['Alt-Delete'] = 'debug_destroy_units',
['Ctrl-Shift-V'] = 'debug_paste_units',
['Ctrl-Alt-P'] = 'debug_navpath',
['Ctrl-Alt-Period'] = 'debug_graphics_fidelity_2',
['Ctrl-Shift-8'] = 'fac_group8',
['Ctrl-4'] = 'set_group4',
['Shift-F7'] = 'debug_show_stats',
['Ctrl-K'] = 'suicide',
['Alt-V'] = 'Select nearest t3 engineer',
['Ctrl-Shift-5'] = 'fac_group5',
Space = 'add_nearest_idle_engineers_seq',
['Alt-W'] = 'Select all land units on screen',
['Alt-RightArrow'] = 'switch_skin_up',
['Shift-A'] = 'shift_attack',
['Ctrl-Shift-W'] = 'debug_weapons',
Q = 'toggle_repeat_build',
['Shift-9'] = 'append_group9',
NumMinus = 'decrease_game_speed',
NumSlash = 'show_fps',
['Alt-Shift-D'] = 'shift_stop',
['Shift-Backspace'] = 'create_build_template',
['Alt-Shift-X'] = 'cycle_idle_factories',
['Alt-F11'] = 'debug_show_frame_stats',
['Alt-B'] = 'debug_bones',
['Alt-F3'] = 'debug_scenario_method_f3',
['Ctrl-Shift-F4'] = 'debug_scenario_method_f4',
['Alt-Shift-Q'] = 'shift_ferry',
['Shift-P'] = 'shift_patrol',
['Alt-A'] = 'Select all air fighters on screen',
['Ctrl-1'] = 'set_group1'
Last edited by SeraphimLeftNut on 12 Mar 2016, 03:06, edited 1 time in total.
no ui lag:
I think this is going to be fun
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Re: garbage in the game pref file

Postby SeraphimLeftNut » 12 Mar 2016, 02:36

what happens when you attempt to unbind a debug keybinding:

INFO: clearing debug key Ctrl-Alt-B
WARNING: Shift-Ctrl-C is already bind
WARNING: Alt-C is already bind
WARNING: Alt-E is already bind
WARNING: Alt-D is already bind
WARNING: Alt-S is already bind
WARNING: Alt-W is already bind
WARNING: Alt-V is already bind
WARNING: Alt-F is already bind
WARNING: Alt-X is already bind
WARNING: Alt-T is already bind

It attempts to steal one of these nicely placed keys
no ui lag:
I think this is going to be fun
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Re: garbage in the game pref file

Postby tatsu » 28 Mar 2016, 23:20

is this true?
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