by VoiceofReason » 23 Feb 2016, 16:35
I honestly go on a bit of a crazy spam; somewhere in my mind I related tags to keywords from back in like 2000 doing webpages and whatnot.
An example of a tag list from one of my casts is something like
FAF, Forged Alliance, FA, Forged Alliance Forever, SupCom, Supreme Commander, Supreme Commander Forged Alliance, SCFA, 1v1, Ladder, 1vs1, Player1name***, player2name***, ***playerclan, mapname**, RTS, Real Time Strategy, RTS Game, VoR, VoRCom, VoRClan, Voice of Reason, VoiceofReason,
...Basically like that, anything and everything I can relate or think is related in any way shape or form to the video and the type of people that may be interested in the video. Sometimes there's more, but this is mostly all I can think of for now.
Hope this is helpful, and very much like this thread - Keep it alive, lets see what else everyone else is up to with their youtube tags!