Hey all,
I spoke with visionik and some others awhile back on what to do post the WWPC and was reminded of how difficult this game really is for new players. The answer became clear that creating more detailed "how to" videos would be the best path forward to grow the FAF user base and generate more competition.
In an effort to make the introduction to the complexities of Supreme Commander easier I've decided to spend my time learning how to teach the game in a better manner. I will be doing less-entertaining but informational tutorials and casts with a mix of entertainment/analysis that fits in between the style of Gyle and Zock/TA4Life/etc.
So here is my first tutorial video. Please note I'm aware the volume of my voice is low (was some bug with OBS) and it's not as fluid as I'd like it to be. I will work on pacing my voice and be more on point so I can say everything I want to say well.
Thank Yous
I'd like to thank Lextoc (believe it or not, he was the best trainer I worked with to date) JaggedAppliance (show me how to get some OBS stuff set up), Kalvirox (wouldn't be anywhere if it was not for his invite to AIx back when I returned to this game), VioletAnia (helped out with casting settings and feedback), keyser (great guy and very friendly to teach), Zock (his phenomenal lessons), MrMackey (good 1v1s and feedback), visionik (for keeping this all alive), Sheeo (he needs a pat on the back with all the work he does), Man_Of_Action (lots of help and feedback), Blodir, ZLO, Molotov (currently AngerManagement), Cassimus (please come back!), and many more...