by Geosearchef » 11 Oct 2018, 09:57
If anyone wants to host one, you need a standard TURN server, e. g. installing COTURN would do. In the config file you will have to set: realm, lt-cred-mech, use-auth, static-auth-secret
I don't know if the current connectivity solution supports multiple turn servers, I highly doubt, but ICE does. In that case ICE will pick the best connection possible probably using the best TURN server avilable. (first of all it would check dkrect connections of course)
The proxy server is not there to lower latencies, it's there to ensure connectivity in the case of all other candidates failing. The only thin such a relay server would improve id connectivity between 2 local players not having to be relayed via europe if srflx candidates fail.
Developer, Server Admin, ICE, currently working on Team Matchmaking, FAF Client