You are using an aeon arti which cannot turn the gun 360°. Your angle up is not enough since it stops at 90° vertical 45° side. You need more since you are standing down the hill with both arti. Watch the picture and see the reason clearly, the uef arti can shoot at this t1 pd in background and the aeon cant it is reproducable
But please dont ask me why the aeon arti is not simply turning arround the chassis. I think the aeon arti cant find a firing position there because if it is turning arround that the gun angle is high enough it would watch the wrong direction which prevents shooting or something like this.
- ZLO Arti.jpg (302.77 KiB) Viewed 935 times
p.s. the model of lobo is a monster truck compared to this aeon soap box
and i just watched DB the aeon arti is limited to 45° side angle it simply cant find a shooting position there. With 90° both sides it would be able to fire from this position.
Between the uef gun and the pd are more than 45°.