Next on making FAF more fun to play is this.
Introduce matchmaking (2v2, 3v3, 4v4) into FAF client. All custom games are now unrated but use current players rating for balance sake. All matchmaker games are rated. The MM map pool are chosen and managed by Player Councilor and are rotated every season in the same way as in Professional Ladder (exact map numbers for each XvX mode needs to be researched). For every group its leader's map selection will be used to pick maps which can be seen by every other participant. All players have to set their status to "ready" before searching for a match.
Following idea is just a concept that needs polishing because i suck at math and all that stuff. Also it looks good on paper but im not sure if it will be as good on practice.
Other than players individual rating, every MM game will also be counted towards player's clan rating depending on outcome. There can be many different scenarios with multiple clans playing on both teams getting/losing points for a game. For example, in a 3v3 game there are clans A+B+C on team 1 and clans D+F+G on team 2. For winning the game, clans A B and C will gain points and clans D F and G will lose points. Formula to calculate points will use both player rating game balance and average clan rating in current game in account. If there are no clans on one of the teams, clan rating will be unaffected.
Now, im not sure what to do if there are players from same clan on both teams. Either leave that clan out of point distribution (which can be abused) or dont touch anything and let it report both results for same game. Or some other kind of solution.