Sooooo i started playing supreme commander when I was about 14 years old(South African), but none of my friends tried to play it as it is a strategy game and most of my friends where into FPS and Need for Speed, so i lost abit of interest because you can only play against bots for so long and I did not have internet access at the time so my SC gaming decayed over time.Now that i was recently invited to a LAN, with a bunch of people i havent met at all, SC popped back up and i started playingit again just to not be totally rubbish when we play. After a few hours of Watching videos on youtube of people 1v1 each other i suddenly checked the date the Vid was released and realised it was in 2015!!. so i checked the comments and found FAF... You guys.... You guys earn a danm meddal.I Havent played a single game on FAF yet as im in SA and im not sure if the Ping will be fine, but i totally love the idea of what you guys are doing you guys deserve the upmost respect. I am 17 at the moment and a year away from the end of my High School year. This is just a friendly RTS Gamer that found it in his heart to reach out to this community and say thank you.