by lebensnebel » 10 Sep 2015, 13:17
thanks for the replies.
So I don't press "alt+a", I only press "a" and click on the ground somewhere (nothing there).
I think there are different types of attackmove - maybe this is outdated - but I thought engies behave differently for "a" and "strg+a", which also enables harbies to use the "normal attack move" (a) or alternatively "reclaim attack move" (strg+a) or patrol.
Furthermore, I think the reclaiming with "a" is only a recent development for harbies and it did not start with the reclaim on patrol patch.
Unfortunately I did not play very much in the last year and only restarted playing ~3 weeks ago, so I might be mistaken. Can someone verify this?
Anyhow, if this is working as intended, can you give me advice on how to get harbies to a battle? Do just issue move order after move order? That is much more micro compared to using attack move, as I have to pay attention that they don't run into pds single file.
Does the ACU reclaim when using attack move?
Best regards!