So I start up a ladder match the other day, and find myself in a new map that I'd never seen before. Icy, walls everywhere, and huge civilian bases creating random air blips on my radar. Today I get around to checking the map pool to see what's new, and I find more than half the selection missing, many of which are favourites of mine: Canis River, Ambush Pass, Four Leaf Clover, Blasted Rock, Balvery Mountains, Crag Dunes, Sentry Point, Williamson's Bridge, Winter Duel.
I've looked around trying to find any indication that this was going to happen. Maybe I missed a discussion somewhere. There was nothing in the news on the FaF client, and then there is a "Ladder map changes happening today" post which was the only warning I could find. it seems like the only discussion that happened was hidden from my view, and I wonder if the FAF community was properly consulted regarding these changes
I hope I'm not the only one wanting these classic, small maps to be brought back ASAP! These maps I listed are the ones I look forward to playing, and are maps that were the most integral to helping me become comfortable with Supreme Commander.
*edit in italics