Excellent mod, thanks for making it!
Problem 1: While setting up a coop comp stomp using Nomads, our lobby settings for teams are deleted by the game once the game starts. If you set teams to "fixed" in the lobby, there is nothing you can do about this once you are in game. If it is not fixed, I was able to ally with another human player after the game started (by manually allying) but the AI "teams" no longer existed. Is this a known bug? Is this something I should post a log about?
Problem 2: We attempted to limit the units allowed by ruling out T3 artillery. I think this selection is called "game enders" or something. Anyway, despite our selection we (and the AI) could still build everything including T3 artillery (man that Nomad T3 is just brutal...). Again, is this the sort of thing a log would help with?
Sorry about the lack of logs, am posting from work, I'm not sure a log would help (the game never crashed), and I figure this is probably a known issue already. I just couldn't find anything about it by reading a few pages into the Nomads forum.
Cheers, and thanks again for making this awesome mod!