Nomad Units, Full Overview.

General Discussions about The Nomads.

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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby Golol » 24 Mar 2013, 16:09

if something is emp'd and the duration is half over, and then it gets emp'd again, it is emp'd for the full duration again right?
because you definetly need to remove that since 2 emp tanks are able to block any unit.
early t3 could become useless. just build a few emp tanks and nail that loyalist or whatever down (lol i hope loyalists dont have emp prtection that would awkward).
also titans or harbingers lose a hield advantage. the emp tank is also a t2 shield disruptor.
and as someone else said before, the t3 heavy tank seems to be really strong.
Tank destroyers:
Counter them with labs?
If you need to build useless labs just to kill a few tank destroyers... that sucks. especially if the enemy has a few medium tanks to eat up those labs.
And for experimental... okay, give a race a megalith, a monkeylord, a fatboy a mavor and an additional transport that you can stick your monkeylord onto.
I would suggest no transport ghetto gunship and either remove the missile tank or the super heavy t4 tank. having all the possibilities that other races most of the time only have 1 or 2 of is a bit very strong.
For example: If any races t4 arsenal is replaced with its blackops mod t4 arsenal that would be unbalanced
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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby pip » 24 Mar 2013, 16:29

I suggest you to play more than 2 games before making final judgements and also to play against real players in order to check if you can really abuse what you think you can abuse. We will be sure to watch your replays and use the data for later adjusments. Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby Golol » 24 Mar 2013, 16:48

That were just estimations from my opinion. not a final judgement
You know its pretty hard getting a nomad game, especially without everyone playing nomads? i would up for a 1n1 right now.
how about you rename the mod to The nomads: faf 5th faction beta.
Than its not a random mod by some guys anymore but players see thats its actively supported.
only 10% of players hang around in the forums and actually know whats going on.
I am trying to help with the balancing.
You cant balance the game without estimating whats going to happen if nomads mod is barely played like that. An early t3 unit appears very rarely and you propably need 2 to 3 games to check if emp tanks are really not op or totally op against early t3. so basically it would take a long time until that can actually get balanced.
So how about trying to balance as much as possible stated on data and experience in usal games?
And for a new faction I'd rather make them weak and slowly buff them until they are balanced.
otherwise players could instantly get butthurt.
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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby pip » 24 Mar 2013, 16:57

Hundreds, if not a thousand Nomads games have been played the last year and a half.
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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby Golol » 24 Mar 2013, 17:08

I have so far seen about 2 or 3 nomads games in like 3 weeks.
and 1 of them was not even launched.
And btw when you say tank destroyers can be easily countered by labs. That might be proven by replays, but thats also just thinking.
You can easily get that idea. so not every estimation that has not been proven in replays yet is irreal bullshit.
just as anybody can say "hey labs are propably a good counter against slow deployables with low rof and high overkill" without ever having played a nomads game you can say other things like "the emp tank might be a good counter to a few t3 units"
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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby pip » 24 Mar 2013, 17:16

Nomads niper tanks and t1 arties can be countered by labs, I did it several times. But of course labs can be countered by tanks. It means nomads need tanks not just sniper tanks+arties.
There are much less Nomads competitive Nomads games played now that it is open beta than when it was close beta. Strange world!
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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby Golol » 24 Mar 2013, 17:49

without good balancing - not in standard faf
without being in standard faf - no good balancing
sucks eh :D?
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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby pip » 24 Mar 2013, 17:56

I challenge you to prove me in replays that it's not balanced.
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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby Golol » 24 Mar 2013, 18:50

dude that post was not about if the nomads are balanced but why its hard to balance the nomads.
and in my opinion they are not perfectly balanced. Actually nothing in FA is really perfectly balanced. But i think they really need some tweaks
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Re: Nomad Units, Full Overview.

Postby ColonelSheppard » 24 Mar 2013, 20:43

you might want to tell what you find not balanced?
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