Hello everyone,
Today is the release day for
Nomads V 86This patch contains 81 commits, since the last minor patch 85, and 114 commits since the last major patch of V83 which we announced just a couple of months ago!
Altogether, this means that the nomads mod is twice as active by commit number as any other official faf project in 2019! Undieing gratitude goes out to everyone who made this possible!
You can play the newest version right now by clicking the nomads featured mod from the list on the side of the client, enjoy!
You can talk to us, see what we do, get help with modding supcom from the resident experts and much more here:
Nomads discord server: https://discord.gg/eV3wmAX Changes for this version:New T4 transport model:The T4 transport has been replaced with a brand new model! We've put it next some other units so you can appreciate how huge it is.

Aside from just visual improvements however, we have also reworked all its code from the ground up, making it much, much easier to use! If you have played earlier versions of nomads before, you may remember it had a tendency to fly off instead of picking up units, which has been much improved, allowing you to pick up and drop things off anywhere you please!

As we mentioned in our development diary last week, we worked out how to fix the issues with transport slots, and as a result the T4 transport can carry a lot more lower tech units than before! Additionally, its special transport slot now doesnt interfere with the others, letting it carry both a beamer (or any ship!) and a whole army at the same time!
New Capacitor Icons:Thanks to excellent work from Ninrai, we now have some new icons for the toggle buttons for the capacitor upgrade! Things should now be both more clearer and beautiful as a result. You can see the in game here, in the bottom left corner.

And so everyone gets to appreciate how great they are, you can see the entire set here:
Intel Boost:The intel boost mechanic has been rewritten from the ground up! Now instead of a charged ability, its a toggle, where you can pay for additional intel range with a steep energy cost.

Here you can see the difference in range for the T3 radars, with the boost requiring 8000 energy upkeep, in order to reach across setons. We are still playing with the numbers a little so your feedback on this is appreciated!
Full list of changes from V85 (note that V84-5 were minor patches and contain even more stuff, but arent listed here):Shiny new features, and design changes:
The T4 transport has been replaced with a brand new model! Now armed with two SAM turrets, four anti ground machine guns, and able to carry 18 t3 units, and a special unit, its better than ever!
T1MAAA target priorities have been reworked so its now much easier to use. The AA toggle now switches its target priorities, and you can now always order it to attack a specific target.
The intel boost mechanic has been rewritten from the ground up! now instead of a charged ability, its a toggle, where you can pay for additional intel range with a steep energy cost.
Updated the icons for the capacitor, with fantastic work from Ninrai. Now all the icons are the same style and of a much higher quality.
Artillery support mechanic has been removed, as it wasnt working, and was confusing as a mechanic
Bugfixes, code improvements and more:
fixed a bug where on some maps trees were not being cleared for the Nomads acu at the game start
fixed a faf bug where units inside transports inside carriers wouldnt die when the carrier died. yeah try working that one out xD
fixed the faf ingame stats display, since its horribly broken and people kept thinking that what it showed were actual nomads units stats.
fixed a bug with capacitor where you could keep the capacitor bar after removing it
removed the intel probe custom cursor, and replaced it with standard ability cursors
reduced the nomads acu size slightly
refactored build restrictions
refactored onlayerchange buffs
changed the costs for orbital bombardment missiles, as it was a little to cheap to spam the heavy bombardment. Also reduced the max rate of fire for the bombardment.
the T1 tank destroyer no longer has any AOE
fixed a typo with the ACU overcharge
nerfed t3 static rocket artillery
nerfed the T2 emp tank to have a lower stun duration and aoe
reworked the T3 tactical submarine into a more support-like unit. It is now armed with inaccurate EMP missiles, and weaker torpedoes, so it is more of a bombardment type of unit. It is also armed with a tactical nuke, similar to the UEF billy, that is shot down with TMD
nerfed the slugger so it has less DPS and less AOE
reworked the T1 gunship so it now fires in bursts, with some inaccuracy. This should make it better against clumped units, and worse for sniping high value targets.
Undieing gratitude goes to:
Armaster - he made the t4 transport model! Almost enough said, but that would be understating the collosal contributions he is responsible for!
Apofenas - As always, delivered the best balance around, making sure all the bugs were fixed, all the stats were right and much more!
Ithilis - He was a key part of helping out with the balance of the mod, coming up with great suggestions regarding T1 gunships, submarines, as well as testing the mod.
StevenC21 - Helped out with refactoring the game files, renaming things, and making the code as clean and as easy to develop as possible, an important task to be sure!
Ninrai - He made the capacitor icons, and they are beautiful. We hope to see more icons like this from him in the future!
All those who left feedback on the mod on our discord server, helped with suggestions and gave comments and criticism, you know who you are!
As usual, we are always looking for new developers to help us with our work. If you are interested in contributing, or even leaving a suggestion, or simply want to keep an eye on our progress as we continue our work on this mod, feel free to join our Discord server here:
https://discord.gg/eV3wmAX We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for your continued support!
Additionally, if you are looking for help, advice or support on modding supcom in general, or how to do what we do, you are more than welcome to join and ask questions. We are also offering any content and source files we created, so you can get all the resources we use, some of which is extremely exclusive!
The Nomads Development Team