Making the game more fluid - The adjacency bonuses problem.

Post here any idea about current FA Balance.
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Re: Making the game more fluid - The adjacency bonuses probl

Postby pip » 22 Aug 2012, 20:51

Ghoti wrote:I kinda assumed pip knew that.

Nope, I went the other way to adjust my numbers : I looked at the bonus given by surrounded mex with storages and estimated what would be an equivalent, or almost equivalent bonus to factory production near a mex. I didn't take energy adjacency as a reference, even though it does work pretty well.
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Re: Making the game more fluid - The adjacency bonuses probl

Postby Ghoti » 22 Aug 2012, 21:16

Oh I see. You want to base your estimates on the kind of reductions you get from power.

Actually, running the numbers on his figures looks a little enticing. I might actually take that.
I'd even keep a factory at T3 next to a mex. Particularly for heavy assault bots.
adj.png (8.41 KiB) Viewed 1378 times
4 T1 factories in a full land spam would get you a +1, so would a T2 next to a T2. These are better adjacency than the Mass storage assuming you keep full efficiency (good luck with that one!)
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