(Bah. I go writing this thread then realize I can't add polls. Damn you Zep!)
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I will quote Zock, as he did summarize it quite nicely.
Zock wrote:Its a design decision. The first bomber is the only unit which forces the opponent to micro to defend against it. With LAbs or other units, the atacker can choose to micro to increase the effectivity, but the defender can just build tanks and choose not to micro but defend against it with a counter unit. A single tank + the engy he should protect may still be killed by microed LABs, but thats not as bad as a vet1 bomber over your base that destroyed a multiple of its costed mass already.
To defend against a microed first bomber, you are forced to micro, and i wouldn't say the engy/aa/scout micro is easier then micro a single bomber. If you don't micro every single unit, the first bomber will most likley give its owner a huge advantage. Even a not microed first bomber against a not microing defender will kill very likley a multiple of its cost.
I don't like games beeing heavily affected or even decided by micro in the first 5 minutes, thats not what FA should be. Especially for people who can't micro perfect this makes a bomber rush a strategy wich can decide the game early with a huge random factor and has nothing to do with strategy anymore.
To add my 2 cents, from the looks of it the top players are fine with bombers, semi good to noobs aren't happy. Thus, pros will beat average players regardless, but at least if we nerfed t1 bomber first a bit more the win a pro has over a noob wont entirely be summarized as:
"a strategy which can decide the game early with a huge random factor and has nothing to do with strategy anymore"