Nobody use it anyway because they arent worth it, i want to propose to make them able to build radar and mexxes.
that would make them good for expansion, anythought?
Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Anaryl wrote:NO!Nobody use it anyway because they arent worth it,
How cynical of you Isen. I have heard you on many occassions expound the virtues of the sparky. Why would you say to us, the community that nobody uses them when I know for a fact that you use them and that they are used, and are one of the UEF's best kept little secrets.
In fact, I have attached replay of my last game as in half an hour ago game. Versus you. Raping me with Sparkys. You even changed your nick to Sparky.
Now as for reasons why they should not be given radar or mexes:
1. You have T1 Engys for this.
2. PD Creep is proving to be pretty strong in this current iteration. Giving Sparkys radar & mex building capabilities coupled with their very handsome 30dps practically turns them into a PD creep machine.
3. You have T1 Engys for this.
4. It has approximately 60% of teh DPS of a Pillar, & 75% of the health,for a measly 10% extra mass, and even measlier 10 extra energy.
5. It has more DPS than a Striker, twice the rate of fire and three times its HP.
6. It has a radar jammer & already has radar itself.
7. At 225 mass each and 1040hp + 30 dps - for 2250 mass you get a unit that has more health than a cybran ACU, a T2 engineering suite & three times the DPS of an ACU.
Isen: You are openly advocating buffing a unit so stupidly OP it makes T2 ACUs look like your inbred cousin's retarded red-headed stepson. They need to be nerfed if anything.
Also if the thread title is not a typo thats actually very clever.
Okay after further investigation they aren't that great.
Still mex and radar? I'm not sure if this is the proper direction for the unit to take. It would be cool to see it as a land based jammer as it seems to do this pretty well.
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