Anaryl wrote:The selection ranked maps in the pool has always puzzled me. Having found the list I would like to proffer an opinion/have a bitch and a moan.
There are 24 maps in the ranked pool. That is a lot of maps for ranked players
Yeah I would Love to see a smaller Pool, Say 10 to 16 maps? with a few Custom maps in it? and a cycle of about every 3 months?
as far as your opinion on maps I don't agree with all of them, Like any map with water is an Aeon map so get rid of it? OK then get rid of Crag Dunes as it is a UEF/Sera map.
if one map is a little better for this or that faction another may be better for another faction, So what?
Open Palms - Old Classic fine as is
Fine? I hate it, But just because I don't like playing it doesn't mean it should be removed.
Fields Of Isis - I think we get quite enough of this as it is already.
I like playing this game, Its not the same old same old.
Roanoke Abyss - I don't mind this map, but does it really belong in the ranked pool? Also as with Isis, don't we get enough of this?
I don't like it, but i don't see why it wouldn't belong, again its different than most maps and we don't want 10 of the same map do we?
Varga Pass - Should be removed until the bomber conundrum has been resolved. It's kind of broken.
Vya-3 Protectorate - This one puzzles me, why is this map in here. It's too big for 1v1. Can we please toss this one?
To big for 1v1? What does that even mean?
Snoey Triangle - This shouldn't be in the ranked pool really. Fun but not at all noob friendly and faction biased.
Noob Freindly? who cares? this is the RANKED pool not the kiddy pool
This is one of my favorite maps! it is a fast paced game from the start to the end! I watched an Uber/Ysen game on this map that was one of the best replays i've seen! I didn't know who was going to go Boom till it happened at 30min!
Paradise - This is one of the ones that need to be mentioned. Why are faction biased maps in the ranked pool? Vs. equal or greater than player, it's instawin for Aeon or Sera.
Insta win? Not true, you just can't play the same old game if your vs Aeon. I have seen games here with the top players where the none aeon/sera guy said "GG you win" at the start then tries something new and Wins
Blasted Rock - 1v1 workhorse, I don't think anyone minds this being in the pool.
BR should have a permaSpot in ranked
Four-Corners - Once again, heavily faction biased. If I draw a equal or better player whos Sera or Aeon, I'm screwed. Why would this be even considered okay for ranked?
bla bla try something new.
Crag Dunes - Love this map. Probably the only or one of only maps where T1 bomber rush isn't wtfpwnz0r.
Yeah But Aeon/Cyb are wtfpwnz0r InstaLoss %$#^&$*&^%*(&
Williamson's Bridge - Good map, nice play, albeit not very noob friendly.
Noob Friendly... still can't get over that saying when you're talking about the ranked pool!