Is PD creep fair? How do you counter?

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Re: Is PD creep fair? How do you counter?

Postby wetlettuce » 03 Mar 2012, 22:59

Part of the main issue with pd creeping is shields, and with shields come the main issue of their insane regen rates (talking 600 health per second) given t3 artillery does effectively 75 damage per second there is no real mass effective counter to a strong pd/shield push. Especially when t3 pds come into play.

Last game i encountered a t3 push I made 6 TML launchers and simply hit the enemy acu making t3 pds (I guess he thought he was safe under a shield) during which time i made 4 t3 mobile artillery to slow the crawl, but it felt ineffective at best. Even the TML's weren't really mass effective and it required my enemy acu not noticing. Hardly fine strategic play is it ;)

It is something the balance team are looking into for 3612 and onwards.
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Re: Is PD creep fair? How do you counter?

Postby Pavese » 04 Mar 2012, 12:32

T3 Tower creep ist realy realy expensive.. When you see him upgrading to t3, start building up energy and mobile shields. In combination with 2-3 normal shields, this combination needs alot of Ravagers before its broken, and if it is, you can easily back off with the mobile shields and do the same thing again. It buys you insane amounts of time, just be sure you have enough spare energy to support it.
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Re: Is PD creep fair? How do you counter?

Postby X-Peri-MENTAL » 07 Mar 2012, 15:38

FunkOff wrote:Overcharge does more damage to structures in 3612

What is the damage to buildings now :?: I know it is 400 for ACU and 12000 for units (as indicated in unit database).
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