t3 mass fabricators

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t3 mass fabricators

Postby FlyingNorwegian » 12 Feb 2012, 16:35

are there really any use with them? they are huge, bulky, consumes shitloads of energy and are just a pain in the ass compared to t2

while 1 t3 mass fab costs 3000 mass to produce...gives 12 mass for 3500 energy per sec

while 1t2 mass fab costs 100 mass to produce...gives 1 mass for 150 energy per sec?

so tell me...what would you choose?

you can make 30 t2 for the price of 1 t3..that building is the most useless of useless u can make ingame if it doesnt get buffed in somekind of way
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Re: t3 mass fabricators

Postby uberge3k » 12 Feb 2012, 19:35

Because you can build them faster and utilize their adjacency bonuses more efficiently. They also occupy less space, which is a major limiting factor in simcity fab farm games.
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Re: t3 mass fabricators

Postby FlyingNorwegian » 12 Feb 2012, 19:43

i think t2 fabs can fit in any snug hole in the base...even where the t3 wouldnt fit..so if its a simcity game u culd just make use of all build squares availabale...also the t3 wouldnt be any good for sim games...cause u need 25x the power almost...which means 1 t3 power plant for each t3 fab approximately...sure u get some adjancy...but its not far enough to cover for the fact it costs 3000 mass
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Re: t3 mass fabricators

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 26 Feb 2012, 17:08

In games like thermo T3 fabs take up far less space and the adjacency bonuses will eventually outweigh the extra mas cost. I would not oppose a -20% cost reduction for T3 fabs though.
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