Game Enders - What do we want?

Post here any idea about current FA Balance.
REMINDER : This is NOT a community balance forum. The thread ideas won't be used in a patch.
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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby FunkOff » 09 Feb 2012, 20:06

Ze_PilOt wrote:
ShadowKnight wrote:Uber has a very good point. Still, balancing away from GE is what will happen.

@Pilot - You know, a Balance Update for FaF. It's that thing which should happen when units are imbalanced and somebody produces a solution to make them balanced, and that solution passes any and all vetting processes.

You know that FunkOff is the person responsible for putting something in a patch ?

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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 09 Feb 2012, 20:18

Forgot a word yeps :)

But hey, I'm sick !
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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby IceDreamer » 10 Feb 2012, 02:42

I know he has no direct control, but quite frankly I value his opinion on balance more than yours, so his feedback is more important to me. I also know he is sort of part of this whole operation, so if he likes it I know it will make its way to you eventually, Pilot.
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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 10 Feb 2012, 09:12

Whatever. But read the forum rules again :)

You really (all of you) have to stop thinking that balance will be a community process. It will not.
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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby AdmiralZeech » 10 Feb 2012, 09:21

Ze_PilOt wrote:Whatever. But read the forum rules again :)

You really (all of you) have to stop thinking that balance will be a community process. It will not.

But if someone tries a mod and it turns out to be better, and you personally agree that it's better after looking at it, surely you wouldnt refuse to use it just out of spite or something right?
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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 10 Feb 2012, 09:23

Because it's well known that balance more are heavily played :)

Don't get me wrong, it's good to see people doing some mods for FA.
But let's be honest : Throwing some numbers in a DB is easy to do for anybody.
Everybody has his opinion of how the game should be. I can't take account of all of these opinions.

Like I've already said, if I want to please most of the current FA players, I should revert to 3599 + bugfix and that's it.

Of course it would be great that this particular mod is so successful than not a single game will be played without it (and I wish for you that it will), making his integration obligatory.
The reality is more dull : It's easy to do a mod that nerf mercies range.
Nobody has done it, and even then, nobody will bother playing with it, because it's not the default balance.
Well in fact FunkOff tried some of changes, how many games were played with it ?

No, FAF balance will be a close team with no direct influence from this forum for a simple reason : Players are ready to give their opinion any time they can, not a lot are ready to put it to the test.
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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby pip » 10 Feb 2012, 12:19

I agree with you Pilot but most people wasting their time here to discuss balance issues do it because of one reason : there is nothing new to test, players keep complaining / are still frustrated about issues that are in the game since forever. T3 and T4 discussions here are the same they were in GPGnet 4 years ago. I know it's FA Forever, but still...

I am aware the balancing process is supposed to take place when all bugs are fixed but speaking of a balance team, then nothing happens for three month was misleading IMO. People thought balance process was about to begin. I know you're busy with the lobby side of FAF, but you surely have already some balance ideas of your own that you can put to the test with your balance team while you can still focus on the lobby. Meanwhile they do the testing, and produce replays that you can use at a later date to choose or not a balance change.

I'm probably missing something, but don't tell me you don't have at least a few balance ideas of your own, sleeping somewhere in the back of your head, that would improve the game, even if they can be further improved later on.
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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 10 Feb 2012, 12:54

1- Not all bugs are fixed.

2- The server and lobby are still in beta, nothing will happen before a first release version. That was always the plan.
The reason is that the updater is not reliable enough to force update every week or month. It's a pain in the ass each time (look at the tech forum), and a waste of time until the known issues are fixed. We are working on that.

3- Nobody will be aware when the balancing team will be in place, and what they will do. In fact, it can already be in place now. You don't know, we won't tell.
I have or will give specific order to not talk about changes tests on the forum or chat.
The reason is that we don't want people to be afraid of a change that can be dismiss at any time, or give their opinion about everything when they don't see the big picture. That was the balance thread is for, and you can re-read the rules :)

It's not an open process. We don't also tell what happen server or lobby side, same for FA.

We don't have the time to communicate about all we are doing, and even if we have that time, it won't change a lot what is done or not. We are doing it in our free time, and it's firstly about having fun doing it, not worrying about the expectations of everybody. But we try to please you, don't worry.

If you are REALLY interested in what is going on, there is a twitter account that reflect every commit on the FA lobby and FA repository :!/Ze_PilOt/
Only 29 people registered to it, it comfort me in thinking that people don't really care about what's under the hood.
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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby Kryo » 10 Feb 2012, 13:16

Ze_PilOt wrote:
If you are REALLY interested in what is going on, there is a twitter account that reflect every commit on the FA lobby and FA repository :!/Ze_PilOt/
Only 29 people registered to it, it comfort me in thinking that people don't really care about what's under the hood.

i dont use twitter... so :p
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Re: Game Enders - What do we want?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 10 Feb 2012, 13:19

I also think it's nicer to get a surprise time to time.
Of course some (loud) players will cry over every change, but they will no matter what, so....
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