Game-Ender Balance Mod

Post here any idea about current FA Balance.
REMINDER : This is NOT a community balance forum. The thread ideas won't be used in a patch.
Forum rules REMINDER : This is NOT a community balance forum. The thread ideas won't be used in a patch.

Game-Ender Balance Mod

Postby IceDreamer » 07 Feb 2012, 02:18

Hi guys

I am about to start work on an adjustment to the Game Ender units, as people have pointed out that alongside sACUs, these units are barely ever considered even when they could be, and even once built they don't do their job anyway.

I have ideas in place and a plan for going forward, however, there is an issue I need as many people to vote on as possible. The Aeon currently have two Game Enders, the Paragon, and Salvation. The Paragon is going to stay a Game Ender, as I think it is well done, and we need a non-Artillery Game Ender in the package.

Thank you for your time.

Edit: Thanks for the Poll functionality edit Pilot :)
Last edited by Ze_PilOt on 07 Feb 2012, 09:21, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Convert it as a real vote.
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