Anaryl wrote:Mass fabs should offset the need for map control in desperate situations, but obviously it should not be a substitute for it.
I believe they should still be expensive, but they should not be so utterly useless as they are now. So before you rant on about fabs, ask: why shouldn't they be balanced?
Thoughts, questions, queries?
Massfabs have been heavily disputed.
The fact of the matter is, you spend mass, time and energy making mex to produce mass and it is simply imperative for good balance that fabs are not better at making mass that mex are. Unfortunately, the principle that applies to evolutionary biology applies to Supcom too: If two creatures (units) perform the same role, one will invariably be better than the other. In the case of mex and fabs, their role in identical: To produce mass. Right now, mex are vastly superior, and general consensus is that this is favorable to balance versus supcom vanilla, where fabs are superior to mex and fab spam reigns supreme.
However, it wouldn't be terribly difficult to close the gap in effectiveness between the two such that mass fabs are viable if no more mex can be constructed, either due to enemy action or simple map limitations, and I have a few ideas to this.
Fundamentally, mass fabs ought not produce mass more effectively per energy or mass investment than mex, so I'm inclined to think buffs in the other areas are best. Specifically, reducing risk of building FABs by lowering their death weapon damage and increasing their health is one way to go. I also think that lowering their build time and including, by default, the mod that auto-manages them to never be one when you are losing power, would be a useful buff. These two buffs alone should be enough to see fabs used, not so much as a primary source of income, but as an auxiliary.