option for rating

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Re: option for rating

Postby Ze_PilOt » 29 Dec 2011, 10:24

Indeed, having the global rating optional defeat the design of a global rating :)

And it's true that if you play against a much higher rated team, you will lose barely nothing.

I think it's kind of broken because of autoteams, but you can try typing "get matchup" or "get quality" in the lobby chat, and check faf chat.

A quality index below 50% (or 0.5, depending of the scale) means a very unbalanced game.

A "any outcome is possible" range is beyond 75%.

You can try the trueskill calculator to see how any game can affect your rating. Of course, you don't have access to your skill and mean factor (your rating is skill - 3 * mean), but it can help understand the maths.

http://atom.research.microsoft.com/true ... lator.aspx

A new player got 1500 in skill and 500 in mean (resulting in a 0 rating).

Or maybe you can read that to have the math explained :
http://www.moserware.com/2010/03/comput ... skill.html
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Re: option for rating

Postby Ze_PilOt » 29 Dec 2011, 10:29

And really, you can't blame someone to not want to play against all the odds.

Chances are that the game will not be fun for anybody.
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Re: option for rating

Postby Ze_PilOt » 29 Dec 2011, 11:44

By the way, a game quality of 100% means that each player got 50% chance of winning.

A game quality of 40% mean that the superior player will probably win 8 games out of 10.

A lot of your "stacked games" have a game quality of less than 20% (or even 10%).

Needless to say that except if one team play with only their nose, the probability that they can win is very low.

Mixing the teams is a solution, the algorythm to compute the best matchup exists (It was in fact the second featured implemented in FAF even before ranked games), but I need to recode it to work with auto-team.

It will only give you teams combinaison, then you can do it, or not, and it's not dependant of your place in the map.
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Re: option for rating

Postby LincolnSixEcho » 29 Dec 2011, 20:25

I'm totally agree with velaone.

We could have the choice to able or disable displaying rating in the lobby.

Now I prefer send my com to the front to kill it just to don't get points.

I do this to give points to my opponents when I see he's under 1000 rating. I don't see any other solution.

Or doing a global rating of the team.

I don't play for rating so ...
I have no problem to play against people who have much points than me, but the most of people don't think like that.

Almost everytime when people join a game and see just one guy who don't have above 1000 rating, this people left the game.

That's why, now I give my points to my opponents. Next time, all people will have about the same rating. I hope ...
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Re: option for rating

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 02 Jan 2012, 19:00

Being able to disable rating is bad idea I think. It wont help newer players at all but just give noob bashers and rating whores new ways to get more rating

uberge3k wrote:I would like to see a "rating optional" button, but I have a feeling that it would be abused in much the same way... "My team isn't stacked enough? No rating for this game then!". Thus kind of defeating the purpose of global ratings in the first place.

Completely agree here. This feature is wanted by a few but its gonna get abused (Pontius good example here) would just only put rating on massively stacked games and you would see people with 1700+ rating who only deserve around 1000.

Another option is to set rating on/off as you host game just after game name screen and not let it be changed unless you re-host it.
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Re: option for rating

Postby Ze_PilOt » 02 Jan 2012, 19:27

The rating is ALREADY global for the team. Please read the wiki.

Also : bashing noobs will bring 0 points (more or less).

You can't really cheat the system.
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