The Bug 3603 Skipped

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The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby Gunseng » 03 Dec 2011, 01:52

Hello good people of FaF!

Not many people seem to know this, except for the more experienced players, but 3603 skipped out on fixing a bug.

The bug was the Seraphim ACU resto upgrade. The 2nd upgrade says that it buffs HP. Well it doesn't. The reason being is because it caused the perma-buff bug. They didn't fix it though, they just...well...removed it. I personally would love to see it back in the game without the bug part of course. Or at least the cost of the upgrade lowered to compensate for the missing feature.

Here's the other problem. If I remember correctly the buff was 10%. Nice buff and it further enhanced a units regen since its max HP was 10% more. Now that applies to all units, even experimentals <--- hence the problem.

So I consider it a bug, but it's a gray area because it does make balance changes.

My proposal, fix the bug and exclude experimental units from its affects.

If that's not possible, please fix the wording and lower the cost of the upgrade.
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Re: The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 03 Dec 2011, 02:41

/Agreed. Lots of the acu upgrades need rebancing or moving around though.

Regen field - needs moving to other arms and 2nd upgrade cost tweak and its fine

Chrono dampner stun thing needs to be put as an upgrade to one of the gus, range increase to 30 and cost decrease.

UEF nano repair needs cost ajusting and also should give hp buff. Whats best? T3 engineering for + 9k hp and 45 regen with
ability to build T3 stuff for bit more mass and loads less enevry or 200 regen for almost same mass and 10* more energy

UEF Billy needs cost decrease

Cybran Acu - Prehaps enginering and gun on different arms to make it not so useless early game

lots of other upgrades need moving around look at my mod that does all that if you want
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Re: The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby Gunseng » 03 Dec 2011, 03:35

I'm not talking about reworking/rebalancing game mechanics I'm talking about bringing back the original intention of the upgrade.

Seems like 3603 rolled in and they decided to just kick it out the window and say oh well everyone use the gun upgrade.....

I just think it's a great idea for an upgrade but it's never used in 3599 because it's bugged, and 3603 (and higher) because it was removed instead of fixed.

Actually I like the way the placement is because it determines your role as more of a defensive support or offensive support, dramatic differences but I would never consider the resto field unless it was fixed.

But this thread was made to address the issue of the bug 3603 kinda skipped over.
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Re: The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 03 Dec 2011, 11:34

If it was moved to the other arm you would see the resto field in use a bit. That is the main problem. I think you should have yor ACU be able to go offensive or economic. This make more sense and also will make acus more usefull slightly later game good example is sera acu it should be able to have both guns, restoration field and nano repair upgraes as offensive ACU or enginering, RAS and nano repair as the economic ACU. Basicaly two offensive upgrades or two economic upgrades should not be on the same slot. This would fix a lot of upgrades not being used

3603 skipped it over because when units left the filed they kept there 10% hp bounus. Dunno how to fix this I dont know much about coding but have looked at the code for the restoration field and there is nothing very obvious I can do.
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Re: The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby Karottenrambo » 03 Dec 2011, 16:25


Guys, thats faction diversity.
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Re: The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby Gunseng » 03 Dec 2011, 20:59

Karottenrambo wrote:Seraphim....?

Guys, thats faction diversity.

lol are you suggesting that Seraphim's faction diversity is having broken units?

But Nooby, I don't want to suggest anything else other than just the resto upgrade being fixed (if possible). There are actually multiple problems with the field that need to be "tweaked" but lets get it working again first before suggesting anything else. It's important to "step lightly" when it comes to making fixes/changes.

If there isn't a fix (other than removing the HP bonus) though please lower the cost of the 2nd upgrade or buff it some to match the cost.

Can we all agree on that?
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Re: The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby pip » 04 Dec 2011, 11:55

Gunseng, you seem to be new here. The majority of players here, who don't play much Seraphim or don't care about the faction will tell you the faction is not broken, is perfectly fine. Why? They have fobos and T3 Sub, the two best units in the game for sure.
So no need to whine and fix the faction. Seraphim can keep all their half-finished structures, broken /overpriced / useless upgrades, and underpowered units : this is faction diversity. It would be against faction diversity to have 4 balanced factions, one has to be low tier for the better game experience.
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Re: The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby lebensnebel » 04 Dec 2011, 12:22

Frustrated flame pip?
Not true.
Bugs shall be fixed. That is consensus.
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Re: The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby Gunseng » 04 Dec 2011, 21:51

pip I'm not new here, I visit the forums when I can and make suggestions when I can.

I was only poking fun at Karo because the resto field wasn't properly fixed, so put into context, that would be like saying the Seraphim's faction diversity is not being properly fixed. People get too upset over the word broken on here.

And honestly I like 98% of the Seraphim faction and play them ALL the time. The 2% being their T1 subs and the resto field upgrade.

BUT T1 sub isn't BUGGED, so that is a BALANCE change. The resto field however does have a bug still and nothing has been done to fix it properly.

I'm not asking for the Seraphim faction to be changed, just that the one bug that still remains in it to be fixed properly. So please don't go on about faction diversity and the balance changes that every other post has, we know. This thread is supposed to be about the resto field but it somehow keeps getting turned into the entire faction or the entire acu or who knows what else is next (amuse me :lol: ). I think you guys are thinking way too big, I'm just asking to check out what 3603 skipped over and to fix it properly, nothing else.

Well now that I have rewritten this thing 10 times to be politcally correct :lol:

Can we all agree that 3603 did not properly deal with the resto field upgrade and should be properly fixed?
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Re: The Bug 3603 Skipped

Postby Gunseng » 17 Feb 2012, 00:27

Bump! :D
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