one faction ?

Post here any idea about current FA Balance.
REMINDER : This is NOT a community balance forum. The thread ideas won't be used in a patch.
Forum rules REMINDER : This is NOT a community balance forum. The thread ideas won't be used in a patch.

one faction ?

Postby -_V_- » 05 Sep 2011, 08:25

I didn't come here in a while and i'm astonished at the topics i'm reading in here.

IMHO you're trying to change the balance the game in a way that annihilates more and more the differences , the strengths, the weaknesses of the 4 factions.

Slowing down auroras, changing sera destro so that it doesn't get owned by any other destro, even thinking of changing the selen ... wow

Don't you think you guys are pushing it way way too far ? To me you really lost the fact that each faction has its identity with strengths and weaknesses.

I could understand that some units are OP or completely useless, but you are going way way beyond those issues :?
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Re: one faction ?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 05 Sep 2011, 10:21

It's important to remember that here is the OPEN discussion for balance changes.

Anyone can bring something, that doesn't mean that all the discussions will lead to any change in the game.
In fact, if more than 5% of the suggestions are going into a patch, it will be already a lot.

So, don't worry :)
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: one faction ?

Postby Gunseng » 06 Sep 2011, 06:56

I know what you mean, but just make sure to put your opinion down on each topic, there are some balances that need to be made and will still maintain faction diversity. Just make sure your voice is heard as much as everyone else's and everything will be fine, and keep an open mind.
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Re: one faction ?

Postby lebensnebel » 06 Sep 2011, 21:42

I'm also a bit startled of the huge number of balance suggestions which are mostly quite drastic (changing st 40%? wtf?).
On the other hand it's so awesome that we can put underused units back into the game and implement cool ideas.

Still I would like it if everybody slows a bit down on the changes, especially for units which were just recently changed.
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Re: one faction ?

Postby uberge3k » 06 Sep 2011, 21:58

Hang on, no one's making any changes just yet. Rest assured that there will be a QA process before they're put in an official patch.

Discussion is good. Stifling discussion is not. ;)
Ze_PilOt wrote:If you want something to happen, do it yourself.
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Re: one faction ?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 06 Sep 2011, 23:29

Uberge3k is right. These are merely vague ideas.

Don't worry, as I said on another thread, any change will be careful studied, and no big changes allowed (more than 5%)
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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