by Treble » 21 Oct 2011, 00:25
I think we can make some of the unused upgrades viable just by rearranging their placement on the ACU. Basically, each ACU can opt for either combat upgrades or economy upgrades.
Here are my ideas:
(Upgrades with arrows are sequential upgrades, like the engineering suites)
Left Arm: Chronotron Accelerator >> Refracting Chronotron Amplifier; Resource Allocation System >> Advanced Resource Allocation System
Right Arm: Tech 2 Engineering Suite >> Tech 3 Engineering Suite; Restoration Field >> Advanced Restoration Field
Back: Personal Teleporter; Tactical Missile Launcher; Nano-Repair System >> Enhanced Nano-Repair System
Refracting Chronotron Amplifier needs at least a 25-35% cost reduction and both Restoration Fields need a range boost, maybe about 50 (T2 pd range).
Left Arm: Tech 2 Engineering Suite >> Tech 3 Engineering Suite; Personal Artillery System (Formerly the Nano-Repair System)
Right Arm:Zephyr Amplifier; Resource Allocation System
Back: Personal Teleporter; Personal Shield Generator >> Shield Generator Field; C-D1 Shoulder Drone >> C-D2 Shoulder Drone; Tactical Missile Launcher >> The Billy: Advanced Tactical Missile Launcher
Because the Personal Shield and the Nano-Repair are a bit redundant a different role is needed for the Nano-Repair System. Every other ACU has a secondary gun upgrade which is very strong for its specific purpose. I think a secondary gun is also needed for the UEF commander. Hence, the Personal Artillery System. Cost: 2000/50k Range:100, slightly further than T3 mobile, less than T2 static. 1000 damage every 5 seconds (200 dps) splash 4,randomness etc. same as demolisher. Would be less powerful than 3 demolishers (225 dps) but would help soften up shields when assaulting with gun and shield upgrades.
Left Arm: Tech 2 Engineering Suite >> Tech 3 Engineering Suite; Quantum Accelerator >> Enhanced Quantum Disruptor
Right Arm: Resource Allocation System >> Advanced Resource Allocation System; Enhanced Sensor System >> Chrono Dampener
Back: Personal Teleporter; Personal Shield Generator >> Heavy Personal Shield Generator
These changes would make the Aeon ACU very powerful as it could have both guns and shield like now but also add the sensor suite and chrono dampener. Perhaps the enhanced sensor package would need a slight cost increase (750/12500 to 1000/20000), as it is basically free at the moment and would allow it to fire back at stealthed units.
Chrono Dampener field range is 22 which is the same as the un-upgraded gun. It fires once every 5 seconds as long as the gun is firing ,uses 200 energy/shot and is unaffected by either gun upgrade. It stuns all T1, T2, and T3 units within its range for 4 seconds, it also stuns SCUs but does not stun Experimentals or other ACUs. It also does not stun structures so it is useless vs pd. It will stun air but only if the gun is firing, so there must be enemy land units within range or you need to fire at the ground.
I would propose that the cost remains the same (2500/125000) but the range is increase to 35, the range of the enhanced gun. (I also think that it should not stun air as you could hold out a very long time against gunships just by force-firing at the ground.) These changes would make it useful against T2/T3 bots, although it is less effective vs front-loaded damage like Percivals and Obsidians, as they would still get thier full damage out during the 1 second of no stun.
Left Arm: Tech 2 Engineering Suite >> Tech 3 Engineering Suite; Nanite Torpedo Launcher
Right Arm: Microwave Accelerator >> Microwave Laser Generator; Resource Allocation System
Back: Personal Teleporter; Personal Stealth Generator >> Enhanced Armor System >> Personal Cloaking Generator
Enahnced Armor System adds the HP boost that was previously associated with the Personal Cloaking Generator. It adds 15000hp with no regen bonus and should cost about 1500/100k about the same as the personal shield upgrades for Aeon and UEF. Personal Cloak is reduced in cost by the same amount (6000/750k to 4500/650k).
This would give the Cybran ACU the ability to be useful on the front lines past the late T2/early T3 stage as it could have significantly more hp. Early game Cybran ACU is more useful as well as it can utilize both engineering suites and gun upgrades as well as personal stealth.
Obviously, there are more ways to rearrange these upgrades and I'm sure there are many logical reasons for other arrangements. Also, I don't want to see the ACU become the all-powerful weapon that is possible in SupCom 2. I just think a few changes can give more options to the player.
Edit: I changed the UEF Nano-Repair into something different.