t3 stationary artillery

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t3 stationary artillery

Postby Myxir » 27 Aug 2012, 15:55

i want to mention a unit which i've never seen in any game except thermo x2 and many people probably already forgot: the t3 stationary artillery
http://www.faforever.com/faf/unitsDB/un ... 02,XSB2302

they cost between 87k and 91.5k mass and have not alot more damage than a battleship which only costs a 10th of the arty.
and since they got not that many hp, cost so much and can't move, it's not very hard to snipe them, that's probably (besides the cost) the main reason why nobody builds them

my suggestions is to reduce the mass/energy costs and also the buildtime of them by 20%, so there is a chance (and maybe a reason) to build them

that means:

Economy: mass: 91500, energy: 915000, build time: 30500
Economy: mass: 73200, energy: 732000, build time: 24400

Economy: mass: 87000, energy: 870000, build time: 29000
Economy: mass: 69600, energy: 696000, build time: 23200

Economy: mass: 90000, energy: 900000, build time: 30000
Economy: mass: 72000, energy: 720000, build time: 24000

Economy: mass: 88500, energy: 885000, build time: 29500
Economy: mass: 70800, energy: 708000, build time: 23600
Unhappy with balance http://i.imgur.com/q5G2BlM.png
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