T3 AA buff

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Re: T3 AA buff

Postby -_V_- » 20 Aug 2012, 08:21

http://www.faforever.com/faf/unitsDB/un ... 04,UAB2304

Just in case people forgot the numbers, you should check the costs of each type of unit. Maybe we won't see that lie that sam are NOT effective enough. 1:3 mass wise, 1:13 energy wise and probably the most important when it comes to the timeframe where snipes become real dangers , so lategame, 1:10 build time wise , 1:10 ....

IF with those numbers you can't figure out that against proper defense (don't be "unwise" and pack all your sams next to you :roll: ), sniping is a huge gamble and investment, then well I'm not sure how to convince you any further.

Add to that , that for a fraction of the cost of a strat, you can get a FEW, a FEW t2 shields that will save you from a hypothetical mispositioning of your SAMs, and give them time to snipe enough bombers so that you don't get killed.

Most of the time when I watch games where strat sniping worked, either there was no adequate defense (shields + sams WELL positioned) or one team simply had complete and SUPER MASSIVE dominance in terms of ASF.
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Re: T3 AA buff

Postby Softly » 20 Aug 2012, 10:28

The units db isn't particularly accurate.

If any change should be made to sams its that they should have more damage per fire cycle and a lower fire rate, so that they are better at killing bombers before the first pass when well placed and no more effective in general.
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Re: T3 AA buff

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 20 Aug 2012, 14:20

The best thing for them to have would be so that they don't overkill a target. I know you can help avoid this a little by staggering them but what would be best is if after the missiles target is killed it redirects to another. This could be done with torpedoes and anti torpedoes as well.
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Re: T3 AA buff

Postby -_V_- » 20 Aug 2012, 14:29

from my little air experience, they are just more than fine, I would even tend to say too powerful!
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Re: T3 AA buff

Postby -_V_- » 20 Aug 2012, 14:30

noobymcnoobcake wrote:The best thing for them to have would be so that they don't overkill a target. I know you can help avoid this a little by staggering them but what would be best is if after the missiles target is killed it redirects to another. This could be done with torpedoes and anti torpedoes as well.

Then overkill should be "fixed" for any units, not only aa
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Re: T3 AA buff

Postby -_V_- » 23 Aug 2012, 13:52

I am not following your thought. I mean since the defenses are cheaper (and by a big margin) to the bombers, how is ASF a cheaper investment ?

Maybe I just completely misunderstood what your wrote, but I'm puzzled
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Re: T3 AA buff

Postby -_V_- » 27 Aug 2012, 05:27

To be fair, if your opponent is free to make 50 strats without a problem, you lost long time ago.

Of course ASF should be more effective at killing the bombers. But I am pretty sure (sorry I never got so much ass whooped in real game to know that for a fact :D ) that a CHEAPER combo of ASF , shields and SAMS are effective enough to stop those bombers.
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Re: T3 AA buff

Postby Voodoo » 27 Aug 2012, 13:09

The t3 aa is good enough. I'm thinking on the ranked games. A single sam can kill nearly all snips you try.
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Re: T3 AA buff

Postby Lu_Xun_17 » 27 Aug 2012, 13:16

Don't get lost too deeply in the jungle voodoo :!:
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