I will list the things that I have gleaned on countering early bombers, and describe their success in this replay.
1. Make a scout first and send it to their base. check.
2. If you see a bomber, immediately make two AA. check.
Here is where the claim that 2 AAs "hard-counter" a bomber is proven absurd. I actually made 3. The bomber takes one out on the first pass (along with an engie). It makes another pass directly over 2 more (after taking some damage on the first pass), and still lives to raid again.
3. Dodge with your engies.
I don't think I could have dodged the first one because there was stuff in the way of my engie (the only successful dodges in my experience are moving towards the bomber-moving at a 90-degree angle to it has never worked for me), but it would have been asking a lot anyway since I first need to change my fac BO upon seeing the bomber. On the second pass, I did my best to move the engie towards where I thought the bomber would come from, but it was way off map so it was guess-work. Two engies down.
4. After AA build raiding units of your own.
Here's where I probably erred, but not egregiously. I built two engies first, because I had none at that point and needed to expand with something besides the ACU. I also sent my first tank on the wrong path and lost some time there (it was probably dumb rerouting it but I was trying to avoid the ACU). By the time either tank arrived at expansions they were dealt with by Rams' land (aided by that bomber, after taking out a third engie). This is also a big disadvantage of Sera-labs are obviously much more effective counter-raiding units. But anyway, if I had done a different BO, I MAYBE get one of those engies, at hardly any practical cost to Rams, and at the expense of delaying my own expansion.
So please feel free to nitpick whatever other errors I made (I would love more tips on this), but I think I essentially did what I'm supposed to do counter bomber-first, and Rams still gained a significant starting advantage (and doesn't even use the double-drop exploit). Even if you think I could've neutralized the strategy, the larger point is that I would have needed near-perfect strategy AND micro to even gain a neutral early-game.
I am even contradicting myself a bit here, because I previously wrote that I think it's much more of a problem on larger maps. I think I should revise and say that it's also a problem on maps without significant expansions-where most of the mass is very near the base. This makes counter-raids much less likely to succeed.