veterancy changes

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veterancy changes

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 22 Apr 2012, 11:13

One of the few things done right in supreme commander 2 was the veterancy system. It is not kills but damage that counts and this helps lessen the gap between tiers. In Vanilla the kills required were so high it was stupid. A monkeylord needed 2000 kills to get to level 5 and a battleship 1000 or even mobile flack at 300. In FA these numbers were reduces by about 8x but it is rare to see units get veterancy at all except an ACU and a lucky bomber, or a harbinger in a T1 swarm. The harb in t1 swarm gets 5* vet instantly and becomes very hard to kill. with these changes it would make more units get a level or two of veterancy yet make it harder for Hi-Tech units to vet up on lower ones.
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Re: veterancy changes

Postby Jace » 22 Apr 2012, 12:58

i don't get the point. why would somebody want that? i never understood why verterancy exists for a game like this in the first place. SCFA is a great scale strategy game.

its good that it only really matters to some experimentals and the commander.

it shouldn't be like warcraft where you have to keep every unit alive because every lost unit means your enemys units become stronger. and the longer you can keep your units alive, the stronger they get.

so why bothering with a really unimportant *gimmick* while there is lots of stuff that needs attention first.
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Re: veterancy changes

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 22 Apr 2012, 13:58

True, removing it is another option and supreme commander is not about saving units. Yes veterancy is a gimmicky feature that has little use in game but it still could be improved. Not saying its high up on the priorities list either and doubt it will ever happen but I think this would just be a nice improvement over the current system.
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Re: veterancy changes

Postby Plasma_Wolf » 22 Apr 2012, 15:29

The reason for any unit at the point of vet3 being extremely hard to kill is due to the 30, 40 and 50% direct HP bonus when veterancy is applied. A unit with vet5 is also less valuable than a unit with vet 3 (just think of the ACU. An ACU can still gain up to 90% of it's base HP while it is at vet3, if it is at vet5 already it will never get a huge HP bonus again).

Such a system is not really bad for a non-experimental unit, since they won't get to vet3 so easily and even if they do, a higher tech unit (or a couple of units) can still easily kill it.

When it comes down to experimental units, it's going to be a whole lot different. It would perhaps be a better idea to let the base HP bonuses always be 10% (though for the ACU it should be the same and the max HP can go up to +50% as it is now).

Additionally, the experimental units should get a bonus that is bigger in HP regen, which makes them able to fight longer at the Vet 5 level which they usually reach soon.

The standard units could be changed to get a 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50% firepower bonus instead (though then you should remove the HP bonus). That way they will do more damage when they survive instead of survive longer, making them a more dangerous threat in my opinion.

When doing that, I think the kill requirements could be the same. Also keep in mind that naval units (especially the bombardment ones) can gain a lot of veterancy at this moment too. Giving them the firepower bonus would make them a lot more dangerous than they are now when they get veterancy.
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Re: veterancy changes

Postby noobymcnoobcake » 22 Apr 2012, 15:32

Plasma_Wolf wrote:The reason for any unit at the point of vet3 being extremely hard to kill is due to the 30, 40 and 50% direct HP bonus when veterancy is applied. A unit with vet5 is also less valuable than a unit with vet 3 (just think of the ACU. An ACU can still gain up to 90% of it's base HP while it is at vet3, if it is at vet5 already it will never get a huge HP bonus again).

Such a system is not really bad for a non-experimental unit, since they won't get to vet3 so easily and even if they do, a higher tech unit (or a couple of units) can still easily kill it.

When it comes down to experimental units, it's going to be a whole lot different. It would perhaps be a better idea to let the base HP bonuses always be 10% (though for the ACU it should be the same and the max HP can go up to +50% as it is now).

Additionally, the experimental units should get a bonus that is bigger in HP regen, which makes them able to fight longer at the Vet 5 level which they usually reach soon.

The standard units could be changed to get a 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50% firepower bonus instead (though then you should remove the HP bonus). That way they will do more damage when they survive instead of survive longer, making them a more dangerous threat in my opinion.

When doing that, I think the kill requirements could be the same. Also keep in mind that naval units (especially the bombardment ones) can gain a lot of veterancy at this moment too. Giving them the firepower bonus would make them a lot more dangerous than they are now when they get veterancy.

with more firepower you could upset balance quite a bit. Suddenly shields are used EVEN MORE to keep units alive and if a bunch of say destroyers get vet they could just then take over sea very quickly and thats GG.
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