heres how it works now:
if an air unit has two or more orders it wont autorefuel.
the blob of inties there will run out of fuel and refuel automagically, then land next to the airstaging they refueled at.
the inties on patrol will refuel and then return to being on patrol.
the scouts there have many orders queued up and wont go to refuel even if they are out of fuel, until they have completed all their orders. (that way you get planes on ahem special missions not deviate from them)
as always, thanks for reporting the issue, do leave any and all feedback,suggestions and so on, it all gets looked at.
this change will be in the next version of the featured mod, due to be released soon™ as usualStatistics: Posted by Exotic_Retard — 28 Jan 2018, 23:16